Would you be interested in Rowing?

Ron Hicken is a member of Sutton-in-Ashfield U3A and also a member of Nottingham Rowing Club Recreational Rowing Group.
The rowing club is holding an Open Day on 12 July, to which they would like to invite members of Nottinghamshire U3A’s. The aim of the event is to provide a taste of the benefits, both health wise and social, of recreational rowing. Initially it may sound like a ‘death wish’ but rowing is a low impact sport, rated above cycling, and eminently suited to we of the older generation.
However, the Rowing Club would be willing to host a special “U3A Day” later in the year, if sufficient people are interested.
Backing this up, they would be prepared to visit each U3A to (briefly) further outline the special U3A Day along with the benefits of taking up rowing.
If any members of your U3A are interested in this offer, would you please ask them to make contact direct with Ronald Hicken on ronhicken@hotmail.com .
Keep your body healthy as well as your mind!

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