Weekenders' Spring Events

Our February 6th Social Night was at the home of Lindsay Smith when the theme was “Royalty”. We had a lively discussion, a Royalty quiz and Royalty Bingo together with a “red, white and blue” buffet. Thirteen of us had lunch at Encounters in Nottingham on 13th February and it was a superb lunch and we can thoroughly recommend this small restaurant. We enjoyed listening to the Hucknall & Linby Brass Band at St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church on 20th February. The February Coffee Club was on the 27th when we discussed “Resolutions” we had made and broken! A copy of the programme is on the Hucknall U3A website and there will also be copies on the Weekenders’ table at the monthly meeting.
In March we hope to have a Bus Pass day out to Newark and a Social Evening with a “Mothers” theme, and then in April another Social Evening with a “Seaside” theme, plus a day out to Dobbies Retail Part near Chesterfield ending the month with our Coffee Club. Our Sunday lunch venue is yet to be decided upon.
Would anyone like to join us for a guided tour of the Nottingham Council House on Sunday, 20th March? Just get in touch.
All events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously space is sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served.
For any information about the Lunch Group, the Weekenders Group, or the Reading Group, please contact Sandra Green tel. 0115 8408132) or on the form below.

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