Weekenders' Activities

Thanks to Lindsay Smith for hosting the June Social Evening which had a “Fathers” theme as it was so close to Father’s Day. We each took a photo of our fathers and everyone had to try and guess “Who’s the daddy?”. Great fun and most of us were useless at this but Kay Burton won with seven correct out of twelve. The “Name the Famous Father” quiz was won by Sue Spolton, Beryl Alford and Brenda Hallam.
Again there was a wonderful buffet followed by a general discussion which covered a wide variety of subjects such as the Common Market, choirs, forthcoming Weekenders’ events and humorous anecdotes.
Around thirteen of us met up and went to the National Armed Forces Day in Nottingham. We arrived at 9.30 am and stood on the Old Market Square, having secured a reasonable view. There was a wonderful atmosphere, especially when the Red Arrows did a flypast although if you had blinked you would have missed them. The representatives from the National Armed Services paraded from the Castle to the Old Market Square when there was a dedication service. The more hardy members then went down to the Victoria Embankment and enjoyed the events there. A very tiring day but enjoyable.
Then the next day, which seemed to be the hottest day of the summer so far, we lunched at The Ferry Boat Inn at Stoke Bardolph and went on to Hebbs Farmhouse Open Garden which is the home of Stuart Dixon, retired Royal Horticultural Society lecturer. Stuart was on hand to give advice on various plants and his wife and helpers provided wonderful cakes and refreshments.
Christine Wheatley will be hosting our July Social which will take the form of “Afternoon Tea”. We shall combine this with our next Programme Planning discussion so don’t forget to bring your ideas.
You don’t have to be a regular Weekender to join us for the following two events, just a U3A member.
On Saturday, 17th August sixteen of us are going for lunch and a three hour cruise on the Nottingham Princess River Boat, leaving from Colwick Yacht Marina. Could I please have the balance of £12.45 per person at the July U3A meeting. Please make your cheques payable to Hucknall & District U3A. And for those joining us, swot up for the “ships” themed quiz!
I have a few places left for Friday, 27th September when we are having a coach trip to Stamford in Lincolnshire (Market Day) with Lowes Coaches. I shall need the balance of the fare at the August U3A meeting please; I will let you know what this is as soon as I know how many exactly will be joining us.

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