Weekenders' Programme

Thank you Jean Martin for being such a wonderful host at the Garden Afternoon Tea at your home on 1st October when it was around an unbelievable 20oC. Scones with jam and cream, chocolate cake, lemon meringue, strawberry gateau, chocolate eclairs – you name it, it was on the table. And wine! And of course plenty of tea and coffee. Thanks also to your son, Andrew, who “waited on” and was an attentive host. Great fun was had with lawn quoits (congratulation to the winner Doreen Newton). What a lovely afternoon!

Jean's Afternoon Tea

Jean’s Afternoon Tea

Thank you also to Margaret White for hosting a Social Evening for the Weekenders on Saturday, 3rd October when we will have a mixed bag of games to get involved in, as well as a buffet.
We are hoping we can do our Bus Pass Day Out to Belper on Saturday, 10th October. Please let me know if you would like to join us. Then on Sunday, 25th October we plan to visit Bardill’s Garden Centre, travelling via the new tram route to Toton.
Our next Coffee Club session will be on Saturday, 7th November from 2-4 pm.
All events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously space is sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served.
For any information about the Lunch Group, the Weekenders Group, or the Reading Group, please contact Sandra Green on the form below or check out the Hucknall U3A website.

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