Weekenders May update

The Weekenders’ Group was set up for those U3A members who were too busy in the week to participate in other U3A activities but were available at the weekend. We met on 10th May for a Programme Planning session. There is usually one themed Social Saturday Evening and one Saturday or Sunday Lunch per month, plus other activities organised by outside bodies.
Our May Social Evening was on 24th May at Jo Turner’s home and had a Spring Flowers theme. The individual quiz for identifying everyday garden flower photographs was won by Jo Turner and the team quiz “Flowers & Herbs Cryptic Clues” was won by Anita Lingard, Christine Wheatley, Jean Green and Irene Reynolds. Once again a lively discussion took place on many topics and Jo Turner was thanked for her hospitality.
We are having Saturday Lunch at Arunothai on 31st May at 12.15 pm and if anyone would like to join us, just let me know and I will increase the booking.
Our next Social Evening will be on 14th June at Doreen Newton’s home; this date is the official birthday of the Queen and so we are having a Red, White and Blue theme and quiz.
I am organising a trip to Boundary Mills & Downtown Grantham for Friday, 20th June. This will leave Hucknall Market at 9.30 am and arrive back around 4.30 pm. The cost is £6.50 and I need the balance at the next meeting please. I have 18 places left if you are interested in this; please let me know as soon as possible.

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