Weekenders' Group

The Broadway Cinema is rapidly becoming the Nottingham meeting place for U3A members. A number of Weekenders members saw “The Quartet” on 10th January and “Les Miserables” on 17th January. After seeing The Quartet I would like to suggest that we all club together to buy Papplewick Hall so that we can set up our own Hucknall U3A Residential Home. However after seeing Les Miserables, we shall not be “manning the barricades” in Hucknall!
Unfortunately we had to cancel our lunch at the Burnt Stump due to the bad weather but we have plans for the following events which we hope will not be affected by the snow.
10th February – 4.30pm – 6.30pm Highfields Park, Chinese New Year!
17th February – Sunday Lunch at Larch Farm 12.30 pm
2nd March – A Social Evening to celebrate St. David’s Day
We have met to plan the next four months’ events which will be varied so have a look at the programme on the noticeboard.

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