Weekenders Events

A number of us went to Hucknall Brass Band Concert at St. Peter & St. Paul’s on 15th February, when the music took us “All Around the World”. I would urge you to support any of the concerts which these talented young people put on. We also went for an Afternoon Tea at The Clock House, Upton on 22nd February, followed by a Social Evening on 8th March at my house (now re-named Alcatraz, as it is surrounded by metal fencing as a result of the sale of The Harrier pub!). We had a “Green” theme. A Morning Walk around Attenborough Nature Reserve will take place on Saturday, 22nd March and we can accept more names for this.
The Weekenders are going for Sunday Lunch at The School House at S. Normanton on 6th April and will hold another Social Evening at Lindsay Smith’s on 12th April when we will have an Easter theme.
We were hoping to have a bus trip to Boundary Mills at Sheffield for shopping but the date was too short notice for us to fill the 49-seater bus. We may run this in a couple of months’ time and this will be open to any U3A member who would like to join us. The cost will be in the region of £6.50 return. This will probably depart from Hucknall around 9.30 am and depart Boundary Mills around 1.30 or 2 pm on either a Friday or a Saturday, possibly in May. If anyone is interested please contact Sandra Green on 8408132 or email sandra.green80@ntlworld.com
Finally could I please remind my members that when having a lift with fellow members to an event, appreciation should be shown by offering help with petrol costs; the present rate mentioned in the U3A guidelines is 20p per mile.

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