Weekenders Events

Thanks to Jean Green for hosting our seaside-themed Social Evening on 14th September, with beautiful fish and chips from the local chippie. Sandra Green guessed eight out of ten identities of members who were asked to bring a photo of themselves as a child at the seaside. The holiday resorts quiz was won by the team made up of Margaret Nunn, Maggie Cragg, Beryl Alford and Jo Turner. Each member then took it in turn to tell a funny tale about “what happened on my holiday” with hilarious results.
The DH Lawrence Festival Vintage Arts & Crafts Fair also took place the same day at Durban House, Eastwood, with Sandra Green and Helen Rose participating on a Craft Stall (dressed in 1913 garb!) and U3A members visiting the Exhibition.
The month ended with a day trip to Stamford on 27th September when the weather was superb and the street market was raved about. The Tourist Attractions quiz was won by Cath Richardson and Rita Childe. Some of us plan to return at a later date for another visit.
During October there seem to be quite a lot of musical events to attend if so wished, plus a Fun Night at Nottingham Bowls Centre on 19th October and lunch at Arunothai Restaurant Hucknall on 26th October. Programme Planning will also take place on 19th October with many varied events happening from now until Christmas. The Weekenders’ Christmas meal will be Afternoon Tea at Lottie’s Secret Tearoom on 6th December for which names are being taken as places are limited to a maximum of 20.

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