Weekenders' Activities Update

Lindsay Smith hosted a St Andrew’s Eve Dinner on Saturday, 29th November (the day before St. Andrew’s Day) when we had a lovely meal of smoked Scottish mackerel on oatcakes, Scottish salmon fishcakes, haggis, tatties & neeps, tipsy laird trifle and shortbread with a background of Scottish music as well. The “Identify the Famous Scot” competition was won by Jean Green and the “Scottish Team Quiz” was won by Doreen Newton, Lindsay Smith and Margaret White.
We had a Book & Recipe Swap which came up with many different ideas for dishes at the Weekenders Coffee Club on 6th December. If anyone would like a copy of any of the recipes, just let me know and I will email them on. The January Coffee Club will combine with the Programme Planning meeting and hopefully a few “unwanted” Christmas gifts will be brought to exchange for someone else’s “unwanted” gift.
A few members went to the Christmas Concert at the Albert Hall, Nottingham on Sunday, 8th December and took the opportunity to see the Christmas lights on the Market Square by night. Some of us also went to the Hucknall & Linby Brass Band Concert in Hucknall Parish Church on 20th December to start the official Christmas festivities off.
The Weekenders’ Christmas Lunch took place at the Horse & Groom, Linby on Saturday, 13th December when we thoroughly enjoyed a traditional Christmas Dinner.
Again by popular demand the Weekenders Saturday lunch will be back at Arunothai on Farleys Lane on Saturday, January 17th for their lunchtime two course special at £7.95. Anyone wishing to join us please let me know immediately.

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