
Unfortunately once again we had to cancel our March lunch at the Burnt Stump due to the bad weather but we did have fun at St. Peter & St. Paul’s Hoe Down on Saturday, 16th March. Those who did not dance had almost as much fun as those dancing, what with people not knowing their right from their left! Very funny to watch!

A few went to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Nottingham on 17th March but the weather did rather put a dampener on events (quite literally as we had to go and buy a large umbrella to keep the rain off!).

We have plans for the following events which we hope will not be affected by any more
Saturday, 6th April – Social Evening with a Spring theme at the home of Doreen Newton.
Friday 12th April – we hope to have a Day Out via public transport to a nearby town for exploration and shopping but I am awaiting suggestions for the actual town from our members!
Friday, April 19th – We are having Afternoon Tea at Lottie’s Secret Tearooms – £12.50 and there are a few places available if you hurry and let Sandra Green know.
Tuesday, 23rd April – St. George’s Day Parade in Nottingham – although this is not a weekend event you may be interested in this.
April 27th – Don’t forget our Planning Get-Together at my home from 2-4 pm when we meet to plan the next four months’ events which we hope will be varied so have a look at the programme on the noticeboard at the next meeting. Let’s hope the view from my window then is not the same as it is today!

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