Weekenders – Armed Forces Day

Lindsay Smith will kindly host the June Social Evening which will have a “Fathers” theme as it is so close to Father’s Day. Don’t forget to bring a photo of your father for the “Who’s The Daddy?” competition!
Fourteen of us attended the Albert Hall, Nottingham for the Crown Imperial Concert and Lunch on 2nd June. The music was chosen from that used at the Queen’s Coronation with the Choirs from St. Mary’s (Lace Market) and St. Barnabus Cathedral singing, with music from the Binns Organ. And of course a lovely lunch beforehand.
Also in June we shall be lunching at The Ferry Boat Inn and then on to Hebbs Farmhouse Open Garden. Stuart Dixon is a retired Royal Horticultural Society lecturer who bought the derelict farmhouse at Stoke Bardolph, rebuilt it and reinstated the lovely Victorian country garden. He opens the garden for charity on 30th June if anyone else feels like going.
Also on 29th June we are going down to the Old Market Square for National Armed Forces Day which will be a spectacular national event that will honour our Armed Forces past & present with a parade through the city centre and a day of celebrations at Victoria Embankment, including a City parade and Drumhead Service (City Centre) and Flypasts (City Centre & Victoria Embankment). At the Victoria Embankment (10am – 6pm) there will be marquees of the Armed Forces through the ages (Living history camp), past and present military vehicles, veterans’ marquee and displays and entertainment throughout the day.
You don’t have to be a regular Weekender to join us for the following two events, just a U3A member.
On Saturday, 17th August we are going for lunch and a three hour cruise on the Nottingham Princess River Boat, leaving from Colwick Yacht Marina at 11.30 am. The cost for the cruise and two course lunch is £15.45 and I must have your £3 deposit please at the June U3A Meeting.
Then on Friday, 27th September we are having a coach trip to Stamford in Lincolnshire (Market Day) with Lowes Coaches. The cost will be around £6 if we can fill the bus but will be slightly higher if we cannot fill the bus. Stamford is a beautiful market town with old buildings and pleasant walks etc.
Again I shall need a £3 deposit to be paid at the June U3A Meeting please.

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