Weekenders' Events

The shopping trip to Loughborough on 10th August was enjoyed by those who attended and who did not realise what a pleasant and much bigger than expected place Loughborough is.
The Nottingham Princess riverboat on 17th August was our meal out for August and luckily the weather held off until we got home but an excellent meal was had, with a pleasant sail down the river and back, with Mr & Mrs Hooley winning the Boat Quiz.
The proposed barbecue at Doreen Newton’s on 24th August had to be cancelled as we had forgotten it was Bank Holiday and other plans had been made but lunch at Savile’s Restaurant at the Rufford Abbey Home Front 1939-1945 event on 31st August was very much enjoyed by thirteen of us and afterwards we watched the 1940’s Fashion Show, a Spitfire and Hurricane flypast, Andrews Sisters-type singing and a demonstration of jive and swing dancing, along with many exhibits to be seen around the grounds. We welcomed new U3A members John & Christine Berrill to our group. I think this is an annual event and so we may return!
More photographs are available in the gallery.
A seaside-themed Social Evening with fish and chips at Jean Green’s on 14th September is planned (now full) with members being asked to bring a photo of themselves as a child at the seaside to see if we can guess who is who. Earlier that day some of us will be involved in the DH Lawrence Festival Vintage Arts & Crafts at Durban House, Eastwood, a free event from 11-4 pm so perhaps you might like to join us. The month will end with our day trip to Stamford on 27th September. Our plans for early October include a Social Evening on Saturday, 12th October but we have yet to identify a volunteer to host this for us. Any U3A member can attend the Weekenders Group; you do not have to “join” as such so perhaps you might like to offer to host an event? Look forward to hearing from you.

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