U3A Signpost

Did you know that Hucknall U3A is not only part of the NOTTS NETWORK and part of the East Midlands section of the U3A UK but also we are part of the worldwide membership of U3A clubs. The World U3A produces a monthly magazine called SIGNPOST which can be downloaded on www.worldu3a.org/signpost.
I have just received my copy of issue number one hundred and forty one (September 2012) which is distributed to any U3A member anywhere in the world. To read SIGNPOST click here
Inside I found interesting articles on Webex meetings where I can acquire new IT skills and resources with an expert tutor to help me; advice on Wikimedia and how it can be used to assist your grandchildren in their education; articles on embroidery and needlework; internet archives containing thousands of digital full length movies; concert, comments and news; French language; broadcasts and current affairs items. Information about the virtual U3A designed especially for those who cannot get to a local club through illness or house moving etc; or those having no local club in their area.
There are also some “gems for enquiring minds” on subjects such as ‘Is lack of exercise a medical condition?’, ‘Yoga for back pain sufferers’, ‘Why are the elderly duped?’. ‘Why to avoid a Flu jab this year’ ‘Advice to men on avoiding Prostate cancer’, ‘Can I get virus just by opening an email?’, ‘ How to strengthen your wi-fi signal’ etc.
SIGNPOST is edited and issued by Tom Holloway in Hyderabad, India and if you would like to be included on the list for receiving the SIGNPOST NEWSLETTER each month then please contact tom@worldu3a.org and you will be added to the list. Further information on this subject is available from committee member Alan Snape.

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