Traditional Lunchtime Pub Games

Would any U3A member be interested in a new group where they could play the old fashioned pub games, such as darts, solo, cribbage, run out dominoes, fives and threes dominoes, pool, table skittles or pontoon, whist or other pub games?
A leisurely two hours spent with friends playing games they enjoyed in their youth whilst enjoying a nice drink. Sandwiches or jacket potatoes or a snack of some kind could be arranged.
The Nabb Inn on Nabbs Lane would be the venue from 1 till 3pm on the fourth Monday of the month.
Come along and join in with the happy pastimes you had when you were younger. When we have enough interest we will start the group.
If you are interested please contact John Peters on 0115 9634990
Thank you and I look forwards to meeting you all.

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