Singing for Pleasure Resumes

We have begun practice sessions for any upcoming bookings and also the U3A Christmas Party which is to be held on Monday, 9 December 2013. At present we have participated in three practices so there is still time to join if you wish to participate in these events. The next practice will be on the third Wednesday, 16 October, from 11.30 until 13.30.
The Choir continues to meet in the Studio Room of the Godber Centre, Hucknall twice monthly and anyone wishing to participate in this event would be very welcome, also any lapsed members would be welcomed back with open arms. Although we will be working on some existing music, most would be in everyone’s capabilities, so why not come along and see for yourself.
I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting. Doreen Newton, Choir Co-ordinator.

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