Short Walks Retirement

It is with regret that I have to inform you that Jim Bentley will be retiring as Coordinator for this Group at the end of 2013.
Jim has worked hard organising the schedule of walks over the past 3 years, many of you have led walks especially during his health problems. Many thanks to Jim for all his efforts.
It was my intention to announce his retirement on the walk today 18 July but owing to the high temperature many of you have opted not to go today.
John Ellis will be telling those on the walk this morning but I felt it only right that everyone should hear direct rather than the message be passed on.
I am asking for a volunteer or volunteers to now take over the Coordinating of this Group, many walking groups are organised by a small committee meeting twice a year to plan the programme, again asking for members to lead walks.
Please email me if you would like to be part of this committee and I will arrange a meeting.
The continuation of the Group is dependant on your input.
Vivian Ellis
Groups Coordinator

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