Short Courses

Short Courses to help you build skills and meet new people
The Council/NCN are putting on a series of short courses listed below that may appeal to some of our members. They all cost £2.75 per hour or are free to those on Pension Guarantee Credit or Council Tax/ housing benefit. For fuller information contact Karen Lee-Burton on 07813856548 by call or text. Email her
Courses are as follows:-
New Years Resolution Course.
Kickstart 2015 – set goals and how to stick to them
Starting Friday 9th Jan 9.30-11.30 at the Library
Intro to Computer Course – learn basic computer skills and brush up on latest software
Starting Friday 9th Jan 1.00 till 3.00 also Tuesday 13 Jan 9.30 – 11.30 and throughout
the year at Hucknall College.
Brush up your English – improve your written skills and how to improve reading and writing skills
Starting Monday 2nd Feb 9.30 – 11.30 at the Library
Brush up your Maths – improve your numeracy skills
Starting Monday 9th March 9.30 – 11.30 at the Library
Emergency First Aid – gain a cert. and valuable skills in how to help a child with emergency first aid. Includes resuscitation, burns, sprains, poisoning and choking.
Saturday 14th March 9.30 – 4.30 at John Godber Hall Ogle St.
For further info contact Karen as above.
Submitted to website by Alan Snape.

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