Shakespeare Production

Interest Group – The Arts
For those of you who are Shakespeare lovers there is a transmission of a live performance of OTHELLO with Hugh Quarshie returning to the RSC to play Othello.
This live transmission from Stratford will be on Wednesday 26th August and you can choose between The Broadway, The Savoy. The Corner House or the Odeon at Mansfield.
Whichever one you can get in to. Concession prices are £12. Not sure but I think that there is an encore showing next Sunday at 1.00 p.m. – check it out at the booking office.
There is also OPERA for those of you who are really culture vultures. A transmission of Live performance of AIDA from the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday Sept 15th at the same venues as above. Again book early if you can. Also ROMEO and JULIET live transmission Tuesday Sept 22nd 7.15 repeated Sunday 27th Sept at 2.00 p.m. Double check with box office at the venue of your choice. All box office numbers on their websites.
If you need any help contact me on 07940146542 – Alan

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