Science Group visit to Upton Hall

20 members of the Group visited Upton Hall, HQ of the British Horological Institute, at Upton on the 25th July. We had a conducted tour of the various exhibits, old clocks of every description including the Speaking Clock, built in 1936. We also saw later models and many old, what we would term, Grandfather Clocks from the 17th century up to the present day. We were then given a talk on the history of the Hall, which proved to be just as fascinating as the work of the Institute.
Lunch was at a local pub (who were not expecting so many people wanting to be fed at one time) but the staff (one person) coped very well. After lunch 12 of the members continued on to Newark Air Museum. Another enjoyable experience. Loads of exhibits both outside and under cover. The highlight really for some was the Vulcan Bomber looking in pristine condition. The Museum has 74 aircraft and 4 covered displays to view. Tea, coffee and ice-cream sitting in the sun outside the cafe rounded off a perfect day out.

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