Science Group 2 Make Paper Aeroplanes

We had lots of fun at the June meeting when Ian Murray, a member of the group, gave an interactive presentation entitled ‘How do aeroplanes fly?’ The session was very lively, informative and pitched at our level. Most of us haven’t studied anything scientific since leaving school but Ian left us keen to find out more. The highlights were our paper blowing experiment and the paper aeroplane competition, which is not that easy really! David Hemsley was the winner.
On Friday July 17th we will be studying ‘Space’ with David Rose; there’s no meeting in August and on Friday September 18th we will be having a whole day out to Woolsthorpe Manor and Science Discovery Centre. If you would like to continue developing your scientific knowledge, then why not join us on the 3rd Friday of the month – we have lots of laughs!! You can join by contacting David on the website contact page or by writing down your name/contact details on the Science 2 board at the U3A Meeting. You will be made very welcome.

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