Quiz Night

Tickets for the U3A 30th Birthday Quiz Night will be on sale at the July and August Meetings.
The date is Wednesday 19 September 2012 at 18.45 for a 19.00 start.
The venue is the John Godber Centre and the price is £6 per person.
The evening will commence with a Sausage, Mash and Pea Supper and there will be a Pay Bar in operation.
Teams will consist of 8 per table but do not worry if you cannot get a team together. Single members are particularly welcome and I will set up tables where necessary.
This is a chance to come along and enjoy a fun night out with other members so get your tickets a.s.a.p.
You will find me in the Main Hall before, during and after the July and August Meetings.
If you cannot get to the meeting you can contact me on the form below from Wednesday 12th after 17.00.

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