Pub Quiz June Report

John Peters, our Quizmaster, took us back to our schooldays in June with a “Numbers” Quiz. It almost felt that we were re-sitting our 11 Plus! (eg. What is the value of Pi in trigonomentry to three decimal places? 3.142!) But still, we all had fun and we were shocked by the “Baffled” team who won with 22 points out of 27. Second were “Whatever” with 11 points, whilst the rest of us trailed miserably, all with points under ten. We also had a Dingbats quiz just for fun. Hopefully the questions may be slightly easier next time so why not join us for our July Pub Quiz on Monday, 11th June at 12 noon at The Nabb Inn, Nabbs Lane – but you have to get there early as places are limited to 36. Good luck!

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