Pub Quiz and Lunch November

For those who have not been before, do come and join us; we meet at 12 noon at The Nabb Inn, Nabbs Lane. The next one is on Monday, 9th November. On arrival please find a table, check the table number and then order your drink (and meal if you are dining) at the bar. We have teams of up to five members (don’t worry if you are on your own as we will find a team for you to join; we are very friendly). We start the Quiz at 12.30 and eat after the Quiz. We have a raffle, which includes a “bumper bag” of goodies, amongst other prizes. We would be very grateful for any donations for the “bumper bag” (store cupboard items or other small items) and other raffle prizes. Each member of the winning team receives a small prize. Quiz sheets are 50p and raffle tickets £1 a strip. So get your thinking caps on and come and join us!

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