Pub Quiz and Lunch New Day, New Venue

The Pub Quiz and Lunch Group is to be re launched on the second Monday of the month starting 13 October. The new venue is The Nabb Inn on Nabbs Lane. The format for the Group will be, arrive 12 noon, order your meal if you are eating. They have a seniors’ 2 course meal at a very reasonable price and you can buy a drink. The quiz questions will be given from 12.30 with the meals served at 1.15pm. Following the meal the answers to the questions will be given. There will be a charge of 50pp entry to the quiz to cover printing and a prize.
Please put your name on the list in the Information Room to give an idea of the numbers interested in attending. John Peters has offered to set the quiz but please indicate on the list if you will be prepared to act as Quiz Master in his absence the Group also requires a Treasurer, please help this Group re launch by volunteering to help! Contact John on the form below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Message (required)

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