Science Group

On Friday 19th April members of the science group together with a few colleagues from National Trust and History made an all day visit to Oxford.

Oxford is an interesting city with impressive buildings, the Oxford Colleges and several museums.

The main aim was to make group visits to the Natural History and Pitt Rivers museums which were pre booked for the afternoon.

On arrival outside the Ashmolean Museum, following a photo opportunity the group dispersed to explore. Many found their way to the History of Science Museum, the Ashmolean, and the Radcliffe Camera, the Open Bus Tour, cafes and a Wetherspoons named The Four Candles.

It is an eye-catching building next door but one to Oxford University’s history faculty. It was originally the city’s High School for Boys, which opened in 1881. The comic actor Ronnie Barker was a former pupil and later one of the Two Ronnies. Probably their best-known sketch was ‘Four Candles’. Barker walks into a hardware store and asks for and gets ‘four candles’. However, he really wanted fork handles – ‘andles for forks’. Thanks to everyone for navigating the city and meeting up on time for the booked visit.

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Litter Picking

Although April has generally been quite cold and wet members of the litter picking group have been out and about and collected a total of 15 bags of rubbish which is mostly deposited in council litter bins and collected by the local council.

However, still on the theme of litter, concerns have been raised about the possibility of plans by Notts County Council to create ‘super tips’ which could reduce the number of tips in Nottinghamshire from 12 to 3 and possibly put sites such as Hucknall under threat of closure. Fly tipping would then no doubt be substantially increased.

If anyone wishes to sign the petition against possible tip closures this can be done at It’s simple to do and anonymity can be maintained.

Val Gant

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Short Walks

Thanks to Roy Brown for leading the walk in April.

It was a local walk starting from the Nabb Inn over pleasant undulating countryside.

The bonus was dry weather conditions.

May 16th Walk

This month we are starting from the Longdale Lane car park at Blidworth Woods.

Meet at 9.45am for a 10.00am start. More details later.

We will be walking through pine woodlands and open heath and at the end is a popular refreshment cabin serving food and drinks at reasonable prices.

David Rose

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Grumpy Old Men

Thespian visit

The Grumpy Old Men have ventured out again, this time with a theatrical theme, where they trod the boards at the Lace Market Theatre, in Nottingham City Centre.

The theatre is housed in a very old, listed building, just off Fletcher Gate, which started life as a chapel. By 1970, after several uses, the building was nearly derelict, having since had a major restoration programme. It is now owned by the Theatre and is a charity which is run entirely by volunteers, without grants or sponsorship. We heard that they put on a new production on average once a month and have three weeks to build a new set and rehearse the next production. They also have a youth group, to provide opportunities for young people to get into the world of theatre, film or television.

This was a very interesting visit to a ‘one-off’ venue and is recommended for U3A visits. Membership is open to everyone, which is the way to getting involved with any aspect of the theatre.

John Tedstone

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On 13th April we had a ‘bus pass’ day out, travelling first by tram and then bus into the centre of Southwell. Inside the Minster rows of stalls were set out displaying an array of crafts including beautiful, fused glass, rustic candles, soaps, flavoured gins, jewellery, carved wood and designer knitwear. There were busy groups of visitors browsing and buying and to complete the atmosphere, from the building adjoining the Minster, came the sound of a choir rehearsing for a performance of The Creation.

With Siobhan’s birthday falling on the 26th we needed no other excuse than to celebrate with a meal out. As a change from our usual venue, we decided to sample the new lunch menu at The Green Dragon. (Two fish and chips for £20.00 on a Friday!)

Unfortunately, the proposed coach trip to Harrogate on the 27th was cancelled, but there was an Ay-Up Festival in The Square, Nottingham, promising the sights, sounds and smells of a bustling market. This provided an alternative destination.

Lindsay Smith

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