Medium Walks

After the hottest day of the year, the drizzly grey skies that greeted us at the start of the walk at Pentrich were a bit of a contrast.  The weather improved as the walk progressed and the “gentle undulations” afforded some lovely views towards Fritchley, with Crich Stand in the distance. 

We learned about the Pentrich Revolution of 1817 and the Butterley Gangroad Rail Tunnel, which is the oldest railway tunnel in the World, all whilst negotiating many styles of stiles and 2 fields of curious cows. 

Post walk refreshments at the Dog in Pentrich were most welcome.

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Not So Grumpy Old Men

The group has had a busy time in April and May. In late April the group ventured up the A614 to visit the Adrenaline Jungle where we split up in to two groups to sample the delights of Archery and driving a Land rover through the woodland track in Sherwood Forest while blindfolded!!!

After some coaching from the staff the archery was soon mastered but the driving proved more of a challenge. As the words left and right were not allowed there were some interesting alternatives put forward by some members!!! One member managed to go up a steep slope and missed some trees by the narrowest of margins, I cannot name the member for obvious reasons, but the area is now forever known as Robbin’s hill!!!!!

Anyway we all survived the drive round the track before returning to more conventional driving methods to go to the White Post at Farnsfield for a well-deserved lunch..

In May the group settled for the much more sedate pastime of croquet at Nottingham University. In ideal weather the group split into two groups with those with no previous history of playing croquet forming one group with the experienced hands forming another group. The two teams with experience of playing enjoying a very close contest which ended seven six.

The session finished with a game of skittles and then it was back on the tram and into Nottingham for a late lunch at the Roebuck.

Next month the group travel to Lincoln to visit Bomber Command.

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Theatre News

Please note change of date for GUYS AND DOLLS. It is now Wednesday 30th October at 2.30.

DRIVE TIME on Friday 14th June – 6pm for an hour at the Concert Hall – tickets £10, to hear The Halle Orchestra. Please book yourselves.

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Long Walks

Thank you to everyone who went on the long walk to Calke Abbey. We all enjoyed a beautiful walk on 7th May, it was a pleasant day, just right for walking, with stunning views.

We walked to Staunton Harald, which incidentally carrying on from our talk on charities, was once owned by Sue Ryder. We walked on through Calke Abbey where we stopped for a well-earned cup of tea. Not only were the views magnificent, but the woods were carpeted with a sea of Bluebells, which looked amazing. There were new born lambs and calves in the fields giving the walk a real Spring feel to it. We also saw a lot of bird life, including Sparrow Hawk and Buzzard. Let’s hope it continues and we get a long, hot Summer.

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Theatre Group

Cirque: The Greatest Show – Concert Hall on Saturday 14th September 2024 at 3pm tickets £35.50.

Chicago – Concert Hall on Saturday  12th April 2025. 2.30pm tickets £55.00.

Riverdance 30: The New Generation – Concert Hall on Saturday 4th October 2025. Tickets £53.00.

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