History Group

Despite the problems at the beginning of the meeting when our own Greg did amazing work getting everything sorted out; we had a marvellous afternoon.

David Amos presented ‘Part 1’ of the History of Annesley and the village, explaining that he had far too much to tell us in one hour.  Didn’t we all enjoy the images and the words that went with them?  There were comments saying it was one of the best talks we had ever had.  I will try to book David again next year for ‘Part 2’.  

Sue, Kathy and I were left checking all was well after the meeting when an assistant from the Sue Ryder shop fetched us outside.  Maureen Beresford had fallen badly hurting her hand and arm. Luckily Sue Ryder staff and Kathy’s husband David saw her fall and came to help. David and Kathy tried to get an ambulance but in the end, they took her up to Kings Mill in the car.  Sometimes we can feel so lucky to live in Hucknall – quite a few people that day should be listed as good Samaritans.

There is no indoor meeting next month as we are off to visit Wellow – meet on Ogle Street 11am: there are a few places left – see Kathy, Sue or myself if you would like to go.

 If you are not on the trip, remember there are no meetings in July or August so I will see you all at Central Methodist on 18th September when Robert Mee will tell us all about the ‘History Along the Erewash Valley Trail’.


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Change of speaker for July

Unfortunately, the speaker booked for July has had to cancel, at short notice a new speaker has been found. Bert Flitcroft is a member of Madeley & District u3a in Staffordshire. Bert runs poetry/art/writing events and will share a few poems with us. He will tell us their origins and why they were written, with an emphasis on how they should be read for best effect. He does encourage the audience to take part.

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Vegetarian Cookery

There was a break in May due to the Bank holiday, so our next meeting is on Monday 24th June at St Peter and St Paul’s church hall on Ruffs Drive at 10.30.

We still have a few spaces left in the group so if anyone would like to join us, please contact me.

Anne Wilkinson

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Gardening Group

Last month members enjoyed a lovely visit to Packwood House and gardens in Warwickshire.

The dry day enabled us to enjoy walks around the kitchen garden, the Yew garden with over 100 trees of varying ages heights and health, the Orchard with bee hives, the Carolean garden, a spiral walk up the Mound to view the House and a walk around the lake. Some even ventured along the marked trails through the wood.

The House was last owned by the Ash family and was restored to its Tudor character with lots of artefacts and furniture of that period. The house has a warm, cosy atmosphere, with lots to enjoy, and is well worth a visit if you have never been.

This month we welcome Lizzie Impey who has a Cutting Garden at Priory Wood and she will be talking about her work there. All are welcome at 1.30 on Tuesday 18th June at the John Godber Centre. We will also be taking names and monies for our next trip in July to East Riddlesdon in Yorkshire.

Enjoy your plots as they flourish in this warm wet weather!

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Hucknall and Linby Brass put on a superb performance at St Peter’s and St Paul’s Church on the 11th May.

There was a varied programme with the conductor introducing each piece with witty and informative comments. After the interval, the band struck up unannounced with a crash! Every instrument came in on the first beat of the bar, much to the surprise of all those still chatting! Thanks to Pam for organising the tickets.

Our numbers have been somewhat depleted lately due to family commitments and ill health, but we did get out for Sunday lunch at the Green Dragon on the 19th. We found lots to discuss and agreed it was an enjoyable way to spend a few relaxing hours in good company.

Our summer planning meeting was on the 25th.

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