
Please note the new date, time and venue for the Canasta Group.

From Thursday 6th June we are to meet every week, 2.00 – 4.30 at The Station Hotel, Lounge.  There is no room charge, however there is a request that we purchase a drink which can be tea or coffee.

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Science Group

We next meet at 10.00am on Friday June 21st in the main hall at JGC.

Terry Hill is presenting a talk about the late Peter Higgs who famously predicted the existence of what became known as the Higgs-Boson particle. Learn more from Terry on the 21st.

We will then have a demonstration of cyanotype imaging and you will receive a kit to make your own. Please bring your result along to our July 19th meeting.

In the style of Blue Peter-‘One I made earlier’

After the break there is a presentation about the animals that live and coexist in the different layers of Rain Forests.

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Short Walks

During our walk on May 16th we experienced some rain but it did not dampen the spirits of the ten hardy walkers. Our oldest walker is Ken Carlin who at the age of 95 is testimony to an active lifestyle.

It was a 4 mile route with a few undulations starting from Blidworth Bottoms with an immediate ascent to get the heart and lungs pumping.

June 20th Walk

This is a local walk of about 4 miles on gentle terrain with no stiles.

Most of our local walks have been in autumn and winter and it is interesting to see how the landscape changes in the warmer months.

Meet outside the Horse and Groom in Linby village at 9.45am for a 10.00am start.

Parking is available in front of the pub, on Church Lane or at Brook Farm if you intend visiting the cafe after the walk.

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Litter Picking

Once again members of the litter picking group have been out in force in May and collected a total of at least 27 bags of rubbish.

Two members spent some time collecting litter from Nabbs Lane, Hucknall and have noted that from the junction with Polperro Way to Watnall Road, a distance of approximately 722 metres, there are at least 11 litter bins of varying descriptions. This doesn’t include the bin at the football pitch where there is a particular problem with litter after matches. Why on earth don’t people use them?!

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National Trust

The group set out at 8.30am on Wednesday 22nd May to visit Gunby Estate. We left Hucknall Market in heavy rain which sadly remained with us for much of the day. Despite the rain the group set out to make the most of the day.

On arrival at Gunby we were met by a member of staff who scanned membership tickets and briefed the group about the Estate.

The small cafe area was soon popular with the group. Following that interlude there was an artist in residence who was very happy to engage with the group in his gallery. Many of the group then braved the rain to explore the sizeable gardens and second-hand book shop. Some members ventured further over the Estate to explore the ancient church and other features of the area.

Members visited the House with timed tickets during the afternoon session observing the library, the drawing room, the below stairs kitchen and domestic areas and on the upper floor the bedrooms and other family rooms.

In view of the inclement weather the group assembled on the coach a few minutes early and arrived back in Hucknall for 6.00 pm.

The June visit takes us to Tatton Park in Cheshire.

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