Lunch Group

On the 28TH June we dined at The Willow Tree in Basford (part of the Stadium Leisure Group).  In July we are having lunch and a three hour trip on the Nottingham Princess riverboat if you would like to join us.  £24.75 (£3 deposit please) for a two-course lunch leaving from the Colwick Marina.  

And on the 23rd August we go to Miller & Carter at Wollaton for lunch.                    

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Short Walks

June 15th was a very warm day for a walk but 8 intrepid short walkers set off from Jacksdale Garden Centre with walk leader Roy Brown.

Their destination was the ruins of 13th-century Codnor Castle.

The land around Codnor came under the jurisdiction of William Peverel after the Norman Conquest. The building is registered as a Scheduled Ancient Monument a Grade II Listed Building and is officially a Building at Risk.

The Intrepid Walkers

The next walk is on Thursday July 20th for the Wellow Heritage Walk. Details will be sent to all group members

David Rose

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Quiz Night Report

The Social Sub Committee’s latest function was a Quiz Night on Friday 23rd June at the John Godber Centre.

This was a catered event and  the evening started by maintaining our calorie intake with ‘Pie, Peas and Mash’.

There were 16 teams competing for the much coveted title of Hucknall and District u3a 2023 Quiz Winners.

Our Quizmaster and Quiz Setter for the evening was Bob McEwen.

Bob had put together an interesting mix of question types over several rounds and in the end it was a close run race for first place. A prize was also awarded for the best team name and for the strong team at the bottom holding up the rest.

At the end of the evening, when all the scores were in, the suspense was palpable.

The top 3 teams were:

1st3 Pairs!!98.0
2ndUniversally Challenged96.0
3rdThree cheats to the wind94.5

Best name and Runners Up ‘Universally Challenged’

The winning team the ‘3 Pairs!!

The social sub committee wish to thank all helpers and participants for your good humour, enthusiasm and  contributions to this social evening.

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Traditional Folk Music was enjoyed by a smaller group than usual, due to holidays and other U3A events. We continue to find new songs that are suitable for the group to sing.

Our next meeting on July 18th will be led by Christine and Dave Vincent with a theme of their choice.

All are welcome.

Liz and Philip Attenborough 

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NT visit to Wimpole Estate

Our longest journey of the year saw the group make an earlier than usual start to the day by leaving Hucknall at 8.30 am. After a journey of just over two hours we arrived to fine weather at the beautiful and very large Wimpole Estate.

The Estate is one of the jewels in the National Trust collection. There has been a dwelling on the site for over two thousand years and the site has evidence of Roman occupation. Many families have occupied the house over the years before the last owner Mrs Bambridge ,the daughter of Rudyard Kipling, bequeathed the property to the National Trust upon her death in 1976.

Unlike most National Trust properties the many rooms reflect different periods from history. A Roman bath contrasted, for example, with a 1770’s dining room. 

Elsewhere in the grounds are a large walled garden, a working rare breeds farm including shire horses, pigs and sheep. The grounds which are set in beautiful countryside also had a range of well signed walks.

A courtyard with a large gift shop, cafe, an area selling plants and a nearby church all form part of a wonderful estate.

Everyone agreed that it was a lovely site and well worth the early start!! Leaving Wimpole promptly at 4.00 pm we were back in Hucknall for 6.20 pm.

Our next visit on July 31st takes us through the Peak District to Quarry Bank Mill in Cheshire which still has a working mill and other buildings connected to the once thriving cotton trade.

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