Lunch Group – 26th July

Unfortunately the proposed three hour river cruise and lunch on the Nottingham Princess riverboat has had to be cancelled as there was a mix up with booking dates and they could not accommodate us until 28th September, which I felt may have been quite a cold journey!  I had taken £3 deposits and I will reimburse these when we next meet. 

The next Lunch Group will be at Miller & Carter Wollaton on Wednesday, 23rd August and I have already taken 23 names.  As I will not be at the July U3A meeting, I will circulate the menu so please let me have your choices as soon as possible. 

Many thanks.  Sandra Green

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Litter Picking Group

During June, 15 bags of rubbish were collected by the litter picking group.

Thanks to Terry for showing the short film at June’s monthly u3a meeting of some of our litter pickers in action and explaining how we were given funding from Veolia to initially set up the group. If it has inspired any of you to join us please contact me as per the interest group details at the end of the newsletter or via the contact form below:- Equipment is provided.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Message (required)

    Val Gant

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    Message from the Chair

    Regretfully I have again not been very active this month, due to my knee and eye. My knee replacement has gone really well, getting about the house, stairs etc., without any crutches, just using them outdoors, so very pleased with progress. Starting attending physio classes next week, so more pain, but hopefully more gain.

    Sorry to say, that my retina reattachment didn’t repair and detached itself again, so had to have a second operation on 13th June, took a lot longer than the first, filling the eye with silicon that will have to be removed after about three months and see how my sight is. So only one eye for a bit more.

    The NHS is just coming up for its 75th anniversary on 5th July and I am really grateful for its service recently, I just hope that its current problems of staffing, waiting lists, underfunding etc., can be resolved and get back to what it was when we grew up. I remember that when my father died our local GP paid for a holiday for my two younger sisters who were 3 & 9 yrs old, can’t imagine that happening now, don’t even know my doctors name or what he/she looks like.

    Having the problems above and having to be basically housebound for three months has really made me appreciate how great it is to belong to our u3a and what an amazing organisation it is, especially those that volunteer to run the groups and activities. I have very much missed being part and joining in with my groups and look forward to taking part again, now that I can eventually get out and about.

    Spare a thought please for the many folk that are permanently housebound.

    Anyway, it is St. Swithin’s Day on Saturday 15th July, so lets hope that the weather is exceptional and doesn’t rain, otherwise, according to folklore, it will rain for the next 40 days so states the old poem:-

    “St. Swithin’s day if thou dost rain, For forty days it will remain, St. Swithin’s day if it be fair, For forty days ‘twill rain no more”

    I must congratulate the Sub Social Committee who despite having a few members on holiday or invalided, still put on an excellent Quiz Night on Friday 23rd June, with 15 teams competing, congratulations to the winning team ‘3 Pairs’. The food was also good, so thanks to the caters, a good night out and a good time had by all.

    Look forward to seeing you all (out of one eye) at July’s monthly meeting, please try and remember to wear your name badges so that all know who you are, and of course don’t forget to sign out if you leave early,.

    Melvyn Francis, Chair

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    Real Ale Group

    On 15th June we chose the Moody Squires micro pub at Annesley, catching the bus there and back and finishing off what was a really enjoyable night at Wetherspoons in Hucknall.

    Melissa, who runs Moody Squires, was as hospitable as usual and had put on three different beers for us to sample, some from the Dancing Duck brewery, needless to say we duly obliged. She also kindly laid on a rather large Pork Pie, some home-made bread and home-made Beetroot Pickle, which were delicious.

    It was a glorious evening and we were able to sit outside in the ‘beer garden’ area, putting the world to rights over a pint and Pork Pie. We came back on the 9.45 bus and finished the night off in Wetherspoons.

    Many thanks to Mark Thornley for organising the night.

    July’s outing to be organised by John Saunders.

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    Beware of doorstep scams

    It can be challenging to distinguish between a genuine doorstep seller and a scammer.

    Doorstep scammers are people who show up at your front door out of the blue with the intention of either tricking you out of money or gaining access to your home.

    It’s important to be cautious when dealing with strangers who appear unannounced at your doorstep, good advice is to always say NO.

    Cyber-romance scammers

    Romance scammers are targeting vulnerable individuals on charity Facebook pages that focus on sensitive topics such as mental health, bereavement and ageing. We’ve seen scammers lurking on pages belonging to Age UK, The Good Grief Trust and Mind.

    Romance scammers often use grooming techniques, where they connect with their victims before exploiting them financially.

    Remember, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and cautious when interacting with strangers online, especially on platforms where vulnerability is prevalent.

    Beware of fake Microsoft fraud protection emails

    If you have a Hotmail or Microsoft Outlook email account, watch out for fake ‘fraud protection’ emails that prompt you to log into your account.

    These emails claim to be from the Outlook Support Team, are flagged as ‘high priority’, and state that they come from a ‘trusted sender’. The messages inform you that there’s been suspicious activity on your account and say you’ll need to click a link to log in. If you do so and enter your details, you could end up giving personal information to scammers, potentially compromising your other accounts.

    Microsoft will never ask you to provide personal information or login credentials via email.

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