Fun with Languages

This group is exactly what the title says – FUN with different languages. It is NOT intended to be a high powered language course, but to learn the basics of some european languages to get by on holiday.

We meet the second Thursday of each month in John Godber Centre 10.30 am until 12 noon, usually in the Byron suite.

Our last meeting was learning about directions and places in a town in French, as this is the language we are studying at present.     

We also enjoyed some lunch, French style, kindly brought by Sue and John Tedstone to celebrate their Golden wedding on Bastille day. Congratulations to them.      

We shall meet in Augus,t on Thursday 10th, in JGC at 10.30 am – all welcome.      

Ann & Liz.

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Grumpy Visit to National Mining Museum

After a last-minute cancellation of our booking by the Museum, which had postponed our originally planned visit, our intrepid members finally made it to Yorkshire in early June.

The Museum is built around what had been a working pit in the Yorkshire coalfield, between Wakefield and Huddersfield. There was less grumpiness when we realized that, as a National Museum, entry is free, but we did take part in an underground tour, for which there is a donation.

The museum is staffed mainly by volunteers who all worked in mining before retirement, there being no substitute for hands-on experience. A degree of fitness is needed for the underground tour, and along the route we passed a large amount of abandoned machinery, left as it was on the day the pit closed.

Another interesting visit, and the motorway was running well on the day of our visit. There are a lot of interesting buildings and displays to see, and the museum is worth more than one visit.

On the way, we passed the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, also well worth a visit. This is a huge site, with outdoor sculptures by famous artists such as Henry Moore and also short-term exhibitions.

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Theatre Group

Saturday, 7th October, 2023, Northern Ballet – Beauty and the Beast, Theatre Royal  2.30pm tickets £37.50

Wednesday, 15th November, 2023, Good Vibrations Beach Boys, Concert Hall  7.30pm  Tickets £37.00. Please note this is an evening performance.

Monday, 26th February, 2024, Dr. Michael Mosley & Clare Bailey,  Concert Hall 7.30pm Tickets £30.50. Please note this is also a one-off evening performance.

Saturday, 2nd March, 2024, Matthew Bourne’s Edward Scissorhands, Theatre Royal 2.30pm Tickets £54.00.

Thursday, 11th April, 2024, The Wizard of Oz, Theatre Royal 2pm. Tickets £44.50

Sunday, 28th April, 2024, Sensational 60’s, Concert Hall 3pm Tickets £33.50. Please note this is a Sunday performance.

Wednesday, 4th September 2024, Pretty Woman, Theatre Royal 2pm Tickets £45.50.

To contact Barbara, the group leader, please use the form below:-

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    Long Walk Group

    Our latest foray into the great outdoors was an 8 mile walk at Alderwasley.  We started our walk at the Hurt Arms at Ambergate,along the banks of the River Derwent and through Shining Cliff Woods and through Alderwasley Park, the grounds to the old hall, which is now a school. It was good under foot as we walked on good trails and quiet country lanes.

    We came through the village of Alderwasley, sneeze and you would have missed it, back along Jackass Lane and again through Shining Cliff Woods and back to the Hurt Arms for a well earned pint. It was a glorious day but not too hot; just right for walking.  

    It had a couple of hills, but nothing too taxing.  It did rain once, a short, sharp shower, But we were able to shelter in a barn, along with some new born calves.  Everyone enjoyed the day and we are all looking forward to the next walk.  If anyone wishes to join the group there is plenty of space for new members all are welcome.

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    Mid-length Walking Group

    Our June walk was an enjoyable local ramble around some of the paths reputed to have been walked by D.H.Lawrence, starting from Moor Green, and taking in Felley and Moor Green reservoir. At one point, we came across what looked a migration path for frogs, which were each no more than 1 cm. long. 

    There was the usual wide-ranging conversation of our group, which at one point strayed onto childrens’ TV programmes, before the days of colour transmissions, in particular Noggin the Nogg!

    Thanks to Lynn and Pete Baker for organizing this walk. Our next walk will be from Epperstone, on Monday 17th July.

    We always welcome new members for this group – just use the contact form below:-

    John Tedstone

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