Lunch Group

Please let me know if you wish your name to be added to any of the following venues:

SEPTEMBER  27TH – Ciao Bella, Mansfield – 12.15 pm opening; choices to be given at the August Lunch group or September u3a meeting together with £5 deposit.

OCTOBER 25TH – Gedling Inn & Kitchen – 12 noon – Menu choices to be given at September Lunch group or u3a meeting.

NOVEMBER 22ND – Bibiana Bengal, Hucknall – 6.30 pm £11.95 pp, Starter, Main, Rice and side.

DECEMBER 20TH – Albert Hall Christmas Lunch – 12 noon – cost not yet known; Deposit October, balance November. Menu not yet received.

Please let your friends who are not on email have the above information. Many thanks.

After organising the u3a Lunch group for fourteen years, I will be retiring after the December Christmas lunch. I have thoroughly enjoyed organising the lunches and having your company on these occasions.

I am hoping someone will be interested enough to take over this role from January. There is a file of suggested lunches for 2024 together with all other arrangements such as the quiz etc and contacts to help a future organiser. It would be very sad if no-one felt able to step forward to take over. Please contact Sandra via the form below.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Message (required)

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    Long Walks

    Our walk for August was in the Meden Vale, and very nice it was too. It was a pleasant walk of 8.5 miles which took us over surprisingly good paths considering all the rain we’ve had. Good field paths, quiet country lanes  and through woodland, a nice variety.  

    We set off from the car park in Church Warsop, which appropriately enough was called The Carrs, proceeding through the church yard , across fields to Oakwood Plantation and on to Cuckney. We went from Cuckney onto Norton picking up the Robin Hood Way through Corrunna Hill Plantation to Hazel Gap and back to Church Warsop. We were a little depleted as quite a lot of our usual walkers seemed to be on grandparent babysitting duties due to the school holidays.

    The rain managed to keep off and we had a good walk full of stimulating conversation, or not, as the case maybe.

    Our walks are generally around 8-9 miles of easy walking, not too taxing; we have a coffee break and a lunch stop and cover some interesting places.  So anyone wishing to join please come along and join us, all are welcome.

    Mark Thornley

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    National Trust Visit – Quarry Bank Mill

    The group left Hucknall Market Place at 8.30am on Monday, 31st July, to visit Quarry Bank Mill. After a two hour drive we were met by volunteers from the National Trust who gave out our tickets for the day and maps of the site.

    Those members who wanted to visit the Apprentice’s House were given timed tickets for this tour.

    The grounds at Quarry Bank are very extensive and include a variety of activities. The centre piece is the old cotton mill, parts of which date back to the 17th century and includes machinery that is still working today. Covering five floors there was a lot to see.

    Next to the mill members were also able to visit Quarry Bank House. Close by were very large gardens on two levels and a lovely riverside walk.

    There was the customary mix of National Trust shops and two cafes on site.

    A short walk away was the village of Styal with its church and well preserved buildings which once housed the mill workers and their families.

    A torrential downpour of rain caught a few of the members as we walked back to the coach after a very busy and enjoyable day. 

     Mainly light traffic on the  return journey saw us arrive back in Hucknall for 6.15pm

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    Litter Picking

    Frequent and heavy rainstorms have understandably rather curtailed the activities of many of the group in July. Nevertheless 20 bags of litter have been collected by some of the most ardent members. One such member who takes his dog for a walk often also takes his litter picking equipment with him thus proverbially killing two birds with one stone, and recently two members collected 7 bags of rubbish in one outing, two instances which are very commendable indeed.

    Should anyone wish to join our litter picking group please contact me as per the interest group details at the end of the newsletter.

    Val Gant

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    Medium Walk

    Our July walk started from Epperstone, where we were scrutinized by several people in the pub car park when we arrived, who we then established were another walking group on a similar route.

    Our walk took us uphill from the village, with the high point being conveniently next to Hollybeck garden centre, where we stopped for coffee in the café, rather than our usual flasks.

    On the return there were good views over towards Epperstone, Oxton and Calverton, shown in the photo, but also of gathering dark clouds. We agreed that we were all about to get very wet, but in the event, the rain only lasted for a few minutes. We rounded off a very pleasant walk in the Cross Keys pub afterwards.

    Many thanks to Gill Hunt and Mark Thornley for planning this walk. Our next walk on Monday 21st August walk will be at Dale Abbey.

    John Tedstone

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