Lunch Group

23rd August saw us at Miller & Carter at Wollaton for lunch. Lovely meal with very attentive staff.

Our next venue is on 27th September at 12.15 pm at Ciao Bella Mansfield in the Lounge.  Choices to be given at the September U3A meeting together with £5 deposit. 

Please let me know if you wish your name to be added to any of the following venues.

25th October 12 noon – Gedling Inn & Kitchen.

22nd November 6.30 pm. Bibiana Bengal Restaurant Hucknall.

20th December 12 noon.  Albert Hall Christmas Lunch £23.  £10 deposit in October and balance in November.

Please let your friends who normally attend but who are not on email, have the above information  Many thanks.

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History Group

The History Group always welcomes all U3A members especially new ones. Our indoor meeting place is Central Methodist Church on Baker Street: time 2pm – 4pm.

Kathy and Sue will be taking names and money for our next visit in October. It is to the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery at our usual History Group meeting at 2pm on 20th September.

Robert Mee will be with us giving an illustrated talk about ‘Nottinghamshire Castles – Eleven Sites and more besides’. How many do you know of?


Meetings and visits


September 20th 2023

Robert Mee, whom we have enjoyed listening to before, will talk about Nottinghamshire Castles. He says – Eleven sites and more besides

October 18th 2023

Potteries Museum & Art Gallery Staffordshire Hoard on display.

Leave Hucknall 10.30am – leave Stoke 4pm Cost of visit £12.50

November 15th 2023

Michael Cooke, is another of our previous speakers, who usually tells about European history, this time I think it might be around England.

December 21st No meeting too close to Christmas

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Silver Screen at The ARC

Silver Screen – Thursdays at the ARC cinema at 3.00 p.m. £5 with free tea/coffee and biscuits

Films being shown as follows:-

Thursday 24th August  – Oppenheimer 

Thursday 31st August –  National Theatre Live : Fleabag with Phoebe Waller – Bridge

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Barbara Streisand Concert

If you enjoy the music of Barbara Streisand then be sure to book your tickets to come along to the Royal Concert Hall on Thursday 28th September at 7.30 pm to enjoy the music of the BBC Concert Orchestra playing tribute to Barbara with songs being sung by Katie Birtill, Louise Dearman and Graham Bickley,

Tickets from £18 – £38 

For further information please contact Alan Snape via the contact form below and add your email address to the Film and Culture Group circulation. You will receive regular information on films and cultural events.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Message (required)

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    Mid-length Walking Group

    Our August walk, led by Chris West and Mandy James, took us into the unchartered territory of Dale Abbey, which is a beautiful, small and peaceful, Derbyshire village of significant historical and religious interest, unknown and unexplored by most of us, even though it lies only half an hour away from Hucknall!

    Setting off from the Carpenter’s Arms on a perfect summer’s day, we headed first across fields to the Hermit’s Cave which, back in the early 1100’s, became the first dwelling in the then wild and marshy area, the hermit, (previously a baker from Derby), digging out and settling in the cave after a religious experience urged him to live a life of devotion there.

    We then left the woods and continued along footpaths through fields and the privately owned Locko Park Estate, where we enjoyed our coffee break, sitting by the pretty lake. We then headed along gently undulating paths across fields and through woods until we reached the Stable View Café where we indulged in an ice cream break- a rare luxury on our walks but perfect for a warm summer’s day!

    The last leg of the six mile walk saw us making the gradual descent through a pretty vale back down into the village where we were lucky enough to be given a guided tour of the Abbey remains, which date back to the 1200’s and are situated in a private garden, and then the tiny, ancient church, originally built by the aforementioned hermit who, after 20 years, was given a small income by a local landowner, impressed by his devotion.

    Then, finally, a late lunch in the peaceful churchyard followed by a walk back through the village to the Carpenter’s Arms for drinks!

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