Severn Trent and Age UK – Help with water bills

Here are two ways that it is possible to get help with the ever increasing cost of living, don’t be afraid to ask.

Severn Trent Water – Big Difference Scheme

I was recently given information from an Ashfield Council stall in Hucknall on market day, giving details of a possible discount of up to 90% of your water bill for eligible houses.

The two main criteria are:-

a) Live alone and/or

b) Have an annual household income of less than £20,048.

For more details either visit, or phone 0121 355 7766 option 6.

One of our members has contacted them and had her water bill reduced from £50 pm to £11 pm. Cannot guarantee anything, but worth a try – good luck.

Age UK

If you are aged 50+ and would like to be warmer and wiser about energy, they are here to help.

They can:      Fit FREE energy saving measures such as draught excluders, timers and light                    bulbs.

                     Advise on how to reduce your energy usage and bills.

                     Advise on how to maintain a healthy temperature at home.

                     Maximise your income through energy checks.

                     Provide energy saving tips, information and signposting.

Support is available through home visits or via telephone. Contact by phone on 0115 8599 205 or email


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History Group

The History Group welcomes all U3A members. Our indoor meeting place is Central Methodist Church on Baker Street : time 2pm – 4pm on the third Wednesday of the month.

Kathy and Sue will be taking names and money at the next main meeting in October at the John Godber Centre for the visit to the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery at Stoke – on – Trent on October 18th. We leave Ogle Street at 10.30 am and leave Stoke at 4.00 pm.

The talk by Robert Mee on Nottinghamshire Castles surprised us all, I think, because we hadn’t heard of some of them. Robert recommended a book about them which might be available from the library. Perhaps we should all be pro active by going round our local county looking for them.

We also had 2 lady visitors, Laurie and Mia, from Leicester University telling us about a project they are doing on Hucknall. Thank you to the members who took home the details and are considering taking part by being interviewed.

The next meeting at Central Methodist Church is Wednesday 15th November at 2pm

TTFN from Maureen

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Medium Walks – Melbourne

Our September walk started from the centre of Melbourne, Derbyshire. Our route took us around the perimeter of Melbourne Hall, where we stopped for a few minutes to have a look what we now know is Johnny Vegas’ ‘Glamping’ site. Near the footpath there is what must be a unique and random collection of old vehicles, including a U.S. Air Force helicopter (with garden seats on the roof) and a yellow 1950’s school bus. Details are on the Melbourne Hall website for anyone who wants an unusual short break!

Further on, we paused for a couple of minutes to take stock in a field with a number of large cattle, who fortunately proved to be very uninterested in a group of walkers.

Our route then followed part of the National Cycle Network Route 6 back into Melbourne, passing a field with a selection of non-moving lions and tigers, together with a giraffe!

The next walk will be on Monday 16th October. Medium Walks are usually in the 6 -7 mile range – if you are interested in joining us, just use the contact form below.

John Tedstone

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    Pickleball Group

    On Monday 4th September, sixteen members of the group met in Anne’s garden, swapping the court for a gazebo on the lawn.   There was food and drinks to share, and some delicious desserts made by Anne. Coupled with the lovely weather, the chatter and the friendship, a superb afternoon was shared by all, thanks to our lovely hostess.

    As an addendum, we would all like to express our thanks to David Rose, without whom this group wouldn’t be enjoying Pickleball.

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    Long Walks

    Our latest foray into the wilds was a trip to Darley Dale.  We met at the Square and Compass at Darley Bridge for a walk of 8.77 miles.  It was a gorgeous day, in fact a bit too gorgeous as it was quite hot, but after the weather we have had previously I am not moaning. 

    We set off across the fields and then walked alongside the River Derwent to the village of Rowsley.  We then walked onto the Heritage Mill where we had a coffee stop.  We crossed fields to woodland and walked up to the atmospheric, Nine Ladies stone circle, a relic from the Neolithic Age and 4000 years old, where we had lunch. 

    We then walked over Stanton Moor which was beautiful as it was covered with Heather.  We walked through Clough Wood, which was welcome as we were shaded from the Sun and back to Darley Bridge.  We all had a well earned rest and a pint in the Square and Compass before heading home.  A very nice day and a good walk, which we all enjoyed.  

    There is room in the group for more people so you are welcome to join a warm and friendly bunch of Ramblers.

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