Message from our Chair

Well the weather is getting wetter, windier and colder, now that we have passed the Autumnal Equinox on September 23rd.  Trust you will all remember to put your clocks back on Saturday night the 28th October. I always remember whether to put the clocks back or forward by using the American word for autumn being fall, Hence we have Spring forward and fall back (one hour)

We had many say how good a talk our September speaker was on Grace Kelly (quite a naughty lady) – very clear and precise.

Hopefully our October speaker,  Dr Steven Wallace, talking about the Sherwood Observatory & Space Discovery Centre and The James Webb Space Telescope, will  be really interesting.

The 50s & 60s night went very well on 23rd September, we didn’t quite manage to sell 100 tickets, but almost made it. The group ‘Rocks and Frocks’ were very good and kept us all well entertained with a variety of songs, getting many up on their feet and dancing the night away.

We will be selling tickets for our next social activity on Monday 4th December, a Christmas meal with u3a entertainment (see the poster for more details). Many thanks to our Social Sub Committee for all their hard work.

After much confusion a date has finally been sorted for our normal alternative December meeting, and this is now on Friday 8th December. Again, more details later and apologies for the mix up on the dates. This will be a free event.

We are still looking for committee members, especially a Vice Chair, open for all men and women, along with a couple of other committee members.

The Rotary community day on the market place went very well, we had excellent weather, possibly one of the hottest days of the year. Our stall was well staffed and we had quite a bit of interest with several folk showing enthusiasm for joining our u3a.

The entertainment for the day was varied and enjoyable, a lot of clubs having put a lot of work into their performances. A dancing group, kick boxing, ukulele band, choir, among others. Other stalls were very diverse and interesting. It was good to see what Hucknall has to offer, there was something for everyone.

We still have quite a few members who don’t belong to any activity group, I would strongly recommend that you do, as you make great new friends and find new interests. Talk to myself or Sue Tedstone if you need any help.

As always I look forward to seeing you all at October’s monthly meeting, please try and remember to wear your name badges so that all know who you are, and of course don’t forget to sign out if you leave early.

Melvyn Francis, Chair

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The Life and Times of Eric Coates (1886-1957)

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Christmas Meal and Social

Please note: Your choice of meal is required when buying your ticket.  It would also be helpful if you wish to be seated with friends that you arrange this beforehand and let us know at the time of booking.

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Ashfield and Hucknall u3a Spring Break 2024

Caroline Rhoades is organising another holiday for Hucknall and Ashfield u3a members, these breaks are always good and very popular, details are below

Spring Break – 15/3/24. 
7 days Half board at the Cavendish Hotel Exmouth, an Alfa Leisureplex hotel situated on the sea front. All rooms warm and cosy with full central heating and private facilities. The hotel has a lift to all rooms and has an extensive menu to suit all.  There is entertainment each evening.

The Three full day excursions includes:-
* Exeter and Exe estuary cruise
*Sidmouth, Bicton Park and gardens
* Torquay and Brixham

Coach will pick up all u3a members from Ogle St, Newstead Abbey Gates, Kirkby Ellis St and travel directly to our hotel
£345. 00 sharing twin or double.  Sea view £35. pp extra.  Deposits £60. pp made out to Alfa Travel

Contact Caroline Rhoades for information and to secure your holiday.  07724210563

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Real Ale Group

Our September outing was on Thursday 21st, meeting at the tram station to catch the 6.15pm tram to the Lace Market stop. We then had a half mile walk down Hockley to the Sneinton area.

Our first port of call was to The New Bath Inn, a recently renovated establishment, a good selection of beers, but perhaps a little noisy for our delicate ears.

Walking down Bath Street, we came to The New Castle, a small local public house run by an 88 year old landlady named Judith, serving only two real ales, they are always well presented. Unfortunately we could not inspect the recently discovered and dug out cellars as Judith had just had a hip replacement and couldn’t get down the stairs.

Around the corner to The King William IV, more commonly known as the King Billy, always a very good selection of Ales and Stouts, very well known with the real ale folk. Then just around the corner to a new mini bar named The Partizan Tavern, again 2 or 3 beers on selection, these two hostelries were very different but well worth the visit.

Our last port of call was the traditional pub The Fox and Grapes, just across the road and again serving several real ales for our selection, before heading back up the hill of Hockley to catch our tram home.

An excellent night, a good mix of establishments and of course excellent company as always.

Our October outing is on Thursday 12th when we will be visiting CAMRA’s “The Robin Hood Beer and Cider Festival” at the Trent Bridge cricket ground.

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