
At the September meeting we welcomed Isabel (Izzy) Ely a postgraduate researcher at the Nottingham University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Centre ofMetabolism, Ageing & Physiology (COMAP).

This is part of theAcademic Unit of Injury, Recovery & Inflammation Sciences School of Medicine who are based at Royal Derby Hospital.

She outlined the current research into the effect of ageing on our muscular system. Generally as we get older we exercise less and invariably eat less protein.

These factors can lead to muscular atrophy (wasting) and her research is looking at the effect of an amino acid supplement in reversing and slowing down this process with a focus on the older generation.

Next MeetingFriday October 20th 10.00am to 11.45 am

Part 1: ‘The Greening of the Nottinghamshire Coalfields’ by David Vincent

From his own personal and professional involvement David will explain why and how this came about.

Part 2: An introduction to the science and development of photography – DR

David Rose

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Short Walk

On September 21st we completed a linear walk of 4.8 miles from Larch Farm to Linby village via Newstead Abbey.

We decided to support the 141 bus service by catching the 10.11 am bus outside the Horse and Groom alighting at Larch Farm.

It starts as a woodland walk through Hagnook Wood to the Abbey – where we made use of the cafe and toilet facilities.

It then followed the familiar track to Papplewick and onto Linby.

Our next walk is on Thursday October 19th

David Rose

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Social Sub-Committe

Our latest social event took place on Saturday 23rd September. The theme was music mainly from the 60’s performed by the group ‘Rocks and Frocks’. They have an excellent sound and their playlist had the dance floor bouncing all night.

Some members delved deep into their wardrobes and were barely recognisable in the colourful 50’s and swinging 60’s period outfits. A special guest was a Mr Elvis Presley and his notorious manager Colonel Tom Parker.

Our next events are:

Monday 4th December 12.30 pm to 4 pm

Christmas Meal and Social

A two course meal, tea/coffee and a mince pie followed by:

Live musical entertainment by some of our talented members and to complete our afternoon a Christmas Singalonga

Friday December 8th 1.30pm to 4.45pm

Part 1: An illustrated talk about Eric Coates the Hucknall born composer by

Maureen Newton .We will also hear some of his music.

Part 2: An audio visual video with music and songs by original artists compiled by Christine Vincent which features several of our Interest Groups.

To finish our afternoon 2 entertaining live performances by ‘Fun With Languages’ and the Cycling group.

For more details please see the posters on this website.


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Nottingham Castle – a 1000-year History

Your Invitation to a special event on Monday October  23rd  at the John Godber Centre, 2pm to 3.30pm

Nottingham University History Festival is from October 23rd  to 27th. Applications were invited for organisations to ‘bid’ for a speaker to deliver a presentation.

Hucknall u3a were successful and we  are pleased to have  guest speaker Dr Richard Gaunt.

Dr Gaunt is an Associate Professor from the Department of History and is ‘highly recommended’  by our History Group Leader, Maureen Newton.

The talk is ‘Nottingham Castle: Past, Present – and Future?’

Dr Richard Gaunt discusses his experience as Curator of Rebellion, working on the Nottingham Castle transformation project, in the context of the Castle’s 1000-year history as a Nottingham landmark.

Nominal Entry Fee £1.00 payable on the door

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Seated Exercise Group

A happy group  enjoying the benefits of chair based exercise which is a  low impact way of getting exercise into daily life.

The use of scarves as well as hoops and beanbags is a fun way to improve flexibility, strength and coordination as this group shows.

Our group is open to men and women and meets once a month though many continue to practise at home and incorporates fall prevention exercises, the use of resistance bands for improving muscle strength and a series of movement to music routines while seated.

We use a variety of music genre for inspiration and singing along while working out is not uncommon.  We can’t ‘stop the clock ‘ but we can sure slow it down. 

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