Group Leaders’ Get Together

On Friday 6th October, 2023 our u3a hosted a thank-you get together and buffet at the John Godber Centre. Invited were all those that volunteer to lead or run our Interest Groups, Committee, Social Sub Committee, Newsletter and provide our refreshments.

Many of our members hold several of these roles and our u3a wouldn’t function without them. 43 people came along and enjoyed a cold buffet, provided by Pierre’s of Linby.

We then held a question and answer session, which was a chance to ask the Committee any burning questions.

We finished by discussing three imaginary interest group scenarios, in small groups. Lots of ideas were created as a result of this.

Overall, the collective view was that all members of a group can be included in decision making and should help the group leader where possible. To keep generating new ideas for the group is not an easy task. A new group can be supported initially by the Committee, but the aim is for them to become self-funding.

It was a good reminder that all our group leaders in the u3a are volunteers and they need our support.  I’m sure that you will agree with me that all of our volunteers do a great job!

Sue Tedstone (Groups’ Coordinator)

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Grumpy Old Men in the Picture

Our October visit was to the business of W.W.Winter in Derby. Unknown to all of
us until recently, Winters are the oldest photographic business in the country,
and possibly the world, having been established in 1852. They have been in the
same premises on Midland Road, near Derby train station, since 1867.

We heard about the origins of the business, at a time when photographic
studios could be found in many towns and cities. Their business covered all
types of photography, from family portraits to commercial businesses, and at
one time they had a contract to photograph all the premises of Derby Co-op.

They are supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and hope to establish a Trust
so that the premises survive and become a centre for education about
photography. Much building work is needed, and we were told that the building
is very cold in the winter; there is quite a lot of hardboard partitioning probably
dating from the 1960s, and some very impressive cast iron decorated radiators.
There is more information about Winters on their website, and they also have
videos on YouTube.

As is customary, the Grumpies then retired for lunch, to the Brunswick Inn
nearby. The building is next to several streets of railway cottages, built to house
railway workers in the 1840s.

John Tedstone

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Medium Walk

For our October outing, the Medium Walks group ventured north to Mansfield Woodhouse. Sixteen of us had a lovely walk around Pleasley Vale, led by Paul Haigh and Mark Jackson. We started at the train station, and headed first to the path around the reclaimed pit tip, pausing at the wall in the photo, with various suggestions as to its purpose!

We then headed across open fields, with views across to the very tall chimney which survives at the site of Pleasley pit. Heading eastwards, we entered Pleasley Vale, a very secluded spot, where there used to be a water-powered textile mill. We also passed ‘Little Matlock’, a rock face used by climbers, and finally returned to the station.

Our last walk this year will be on Monday 20th November, starting at 10:15 am from the Idle Valley Nature Reserve Visitor’s Centre. Toilets and a café are available! This walk will be led by Steve and Anne Lawrence.

It is thanks to all of our willing volunteers that we have had some really good walks again this year. These have varied from two City walks, exploring lesser known parts of Nottingham, to more rural walks near Calke Abbey, Melbourne and Darley Dale, near Ilkeston.

If you would like to join the Group, you can get in touch via our website.

John Tedstone

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Fun with Languages

October’s meeting was a bit low on numbers owing to some illness and some still enjoying holidays. We hope that those who are ill recover soon and we look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on Thursday 9th November 10.30 am in the John Godber Centre, Byron Suite.

We continued with French, watching a short video about walking and scenic routes, completed some oral translation and had some laughs trying to practise our song for the presentations on Friday 8th December. Please support that.

We decided to leave our usual Xmas meal until after Christmas this time so we had something to look forward to after all the celebrations. Also many members had a lot of bookings in December.

Next month we shall practise our song and continue with French. We shall change language for January, so watch this space!!                                                                             

Au revoir, Ann & Liz x

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Long Walk

Our last walk, on Tuesday 2nd October, was to Vicar Water Country Park where we started at Rumbles Cafe.  The weather was kind to us and we didn’t experience any rain.

We walked around the lake and struck off across the fields to Kings Clipstone and by the remains of King John’s Palace, which in fact was a hunting Lodge.  We walked over to Cavendish Lodge and through Cavendish Wood to the River Maun, a nice little river not much bigger than a stream which runs alongside the woodland.  Then cutting back again past the Spa Ponds through more woodland and back to the country park.

It was a very pleasant walk of 7.79 miles over varied and and flat countryside on good paths and country trails. I have shortened the distances, as you may have noticed, to approximately 8.5 miles.  They are generally very easy and conducted at an easy pace, we have a coffee break and a lunch stop, the only difference between mid length walking group and the long walks group is that they are a little longer.  There is room in the group for new members and anyone wishing to join would be welcome.

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