Reading Group

The Reading Group will meet on Wednesday 6th December at Margaret White’s when we will discuss ‘A Child’s Christmas in Wales’ by Dylan Thomas plus other books recommended by the library. 

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In November we had one birthday lunch at the Broomhill for June.  Sadly we had to cancel the trip to Chesterfield Christmas market due to delay in booking but members can visit the market by catching the bus from Hucknall to Sutton and then Sutton to Chesterfield – if you would like to meet up together. 

Finally, we met for Coffee Club at Lindsay’s on November 20th.  There are no plans for December so far. 

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Lunch Group

On 22nd November we dined at 6.30 pm at Bibiana Bengal Restaurant Hucknall;  they don’t open at lunchtime hence the early dinner.  It was a lovely meal and the staff were very helpful;  members were keen to return again.  

We are looking forward to a full house on 20th December at 12 noon at our Christmas Lunch at The Albert Hall, Nottingham.  The balance of £13 now due for latecomers – cash please to Rose Ridley

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History Group

The History Group welcomes all U3A members. Our indoor meeting place is Central Methodist Church on Baker Street: time 2pm – 4pm on the third Wednesday of the month. Kathy and Sue help with admin for visits etc. and Anne Wilkinson, the organiser, with usually Margaret Smith but occasionally other members, help her in the kitchen. A very special thank you to all of them.

For November’s meeting we had a talk showing aristocratic houses then onwards to seeing aircraft of WW ll and others. We started in Derbyshire moved on to Lincolnshire then over to France where there were parachutes with mock landings of WW ll and vehicles as well. The exhibition wall in our library was empty so to fill the space Hucknall Heritage Society have set up an exhibition of images showing Hucknall Industries. Call in when you have a minute then let us know what you think.

There is no meeting in December. Moving on to January 2024, Peter Amour will tell us about his ‘Wanderings in and around Wiltshire’. Peter should have come this year 2023 but was unable to due to health problems.

May I take the opportunity to ‘speak’ to all members and send seasons greetings to everyone,


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Discussion Group

The topics for discussion on Monday, 6th November, were met with the following results.

1. Children talking. This topic referred to the constant use by some young people of ‘I-Pads’ and other technologies which could be considered good and bad. It was agreed that communication as a face to face interaction is better and should be encouraged where and whenever possible

2.Concrete in buildings ie schools and hospitals. In discussion this was felt to be a recurring problem. Replace and or repair would be costly with an underlying question of who would provide the finances.

3. Do we feel safe in our homes? Main points raised were those of needful attention to measures for safety, eg. always keeping doors locked. It was pointed out due to heresay and experience the Police do not prioritise break ins and similar crimes.

4. The BBC It was pointed out that programmes particularly those referring to ‘the weather’ seem to be biased and conflicting with other channels. This led some members to see the company as unreliable and doubt as to the reliability of any TV companies.

5. Artificial grass. The members had differing opinions of the use of this feature. Is it environmentally good or not? We learnt it has some drawbacks – moss grows on it.

6. ‘Speeding’ This is a subject to be carried over to our next meeting in February 2024.

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