Vegetarian Cookery group

 At November’s meeting we watched  Apple and Elderflower stars being made. When finished these are drizzled with elderflower icing. 

The main recipe was  a Vegetarian Wreath, which is both tasty and colourful as a Christmas dish.   Members also tasted mince pies with different toppings, as an alternative to the usual pastry topping.

 We have spaces in the group if anyone would like to join us, please contact me.

The next meeting will be on Monday, 22nd January 2024 , at 10.30 am at St Peter and St Paul’s church Hall on Ruffs Drive.

Anne Wilkinson

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Message from our Chair

“Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat….” too late for me, I’m afraid, already got there, will have to make sure I eat and drink sparingly over the festivities, those that know me, know the chances of that happening!

No  normal monthly meeting this month, however, our Christmas Meal Social on Monday , 4th December and our Special Eric Coates talk and Media Showcase event on Friday 8th are looking good with all tickets sold. Just turn up for the 8th, there is no charge, however, we will be bringing our collection tub should you wish to donate anything to Hucknall Food Bank.

Another year has almost gone and we are all another year older, wonder how many of us are any wiser? We have struggled with the recent inflation and seen costs rise dramatically due to soaring food and energy prices. However, when we look around the world we have so much to be thankful for that we live in a stable country. I cannot imagine the hardship that we are seeing in Gaza and Ukraine at the moment.

There are also currently civil wars happening in many other countries such as Afghanistan, CAR, Ethiopia, Libya, Mali, Somalia, South Sudan and Syria, it is little wonder that Europe is experiencing so many refugees and migrants, and no, I don’t have the answer, and don’t think our politicians do either, just pray that folk could live in together in peace.

Anyway, I trust that you are all planning your Christmases, busy buying and wrapping presents, hopefully most will be invited round for Christmas dinner by family or friends, or if like us, having the family come to join us. If you are on your own, or know someone who will be then please think if you can get invited or invite someone to join you for Christmas dinner. Having said that, I do know some folk enjoy being on their own and welcome a bit of peace and quiet.

Autumn is now well advanced and Winter on the horizon, will it be a white Christmas, it’s certainly getting cold enough!

Many thanks to all who have worked hard this year, the committee, social sub- committee, group leaders and every one for taking such an active part.   I just want to wish you all a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR.

God Bless

Melvyn Francis

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Tram Concession Fares

Nottinghamshire County Council are considering withdrawing the free fare concession on our trams in the new year.

Whilst the government pay for the free bus travel that your concessionary pass allows, the Council pay for our tram travel and they are wanting to withdraw this entitlement.

The Council have provided a web site where you can fill in a short survey to let your views be known. It is therefore very important that as many folk as possible complete the survey stating  that you wish free tram travel to continue.

The link for the website is:-

Or go onto Nottinghamshire County Council website and search for Tram Concessions. Please visit the site if you are able and willing, you need to complete the form before the 7th January 2024.


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Real Ale Group

Our November meeting on Thursday 16th explored some of the micro pubs and beer rooms available locally. Four of the five were formerly shops.

The Baker and Bear was originally the site of No 1 Co op in Hucknall. Horse and cart deliveries were taken at the side passage. Before converting to a single room pub and providing exercise for the right arm it was also a gym.   Old Legover proved a very popular beer here brewed by Daleside. I cannot think why it was so popular with the group.

The Beer Shack opened in 2013 and claims to be Hucknall’s first micro pub. The fourteen U3A members in attendance completely filled this one room pub. I think some of the locals took flight. There is a pub sign displayed on one wall from the Flying Bedstead which closed shortly before the Beer Shack opened. Also an original sign from the Harrier also now closed.

When we reached The Hideout the party was down to ten. I wonder if the others went back for more Old Legover? This is another converted shop with a cosy cellar complete with wood burner stove.

Then on to The Byron’s Rest which was formerly a sewing shop. The original Byron’s Rest on High Street closed in 1938. This is currently CAMRA’s Nottingham’s cider pub of the year and was runner up for pub of the year. A well remembered name from the past Shipstone’s Gold Star went down well with many members.

The party had dwindled considerably by the time we entered The Pilgrim Oak to finish a very pleasant and memorable night around Hucknall.

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Pub Quiz and Lunch

The Pub Quiz took place on the 13th November when we met at The Nabb Inn.  All are welcome – we prefer a maximum of four to a team where possible as we can always add a person to another team if you would like to attend but haven’t got a team of your own.  Sometimes the quiz is easy and occasionally it is very hard, but the idea is to have a bit of fun and to socialise whilst enjoying a lunch.

The next Pub Lunch Quiz will be on Monday, 11th December at 12 noon.  Please note I shall be retiring as Pub Quizmaster after the December Quiz and Angela and Christine will be taking over.

And here are the answers to the November quiz;

  1. What does the dish Chilli con carne mean in English? Chilli with meat
  2. How many cups of tea are drunk in the UK on average every day? 165 million   
  3. Which is the most expensive spice in the world by weight? Saffron  
  4. What is the main ingredient in black pudding?  Blood
  5. What Which pastry is used to make Baklava?  Filo
  6. What is the spiciest chilli in the world?  Carolina Reaper
  7. What is the most famous Mexican beer? Corona
  8. Which country grows the most mangoes? India
  9. Which brand made Blackjacks? Trebor
  10. What sauce is traditionally served in a prawn cocktail? Marie Rose
  11. What is the main flavour of aioli? Garlic
  12. Which nut do you find in pesto? Pine
  13. Tripe, popular in the North of England, is what? Stomach
  14. How does paella get its name?  From the dish it is cooked in.
  15. In which country do red onions originate? Italy
  16. What confectionary product is traditionally bought as a gift from a seaside holiday? Sticks of rock
  17. What kind of oranges are used to make marmalade? Seville oranges.
  18. What food do you have a phobia of if you’re diagnosed with Lachanophobia? Vegetables
  19. What is is in the centre of a Victoria Sponge Cake? Which animal’s milk is used in pecorino cheese? Sheep
  20. After a classification challenge in 1991 for the purposes of VAT, did the courts decide that a ‘Jaffa Cake’ was indeed a cake or a biscuit?’ Cake
  21. What shape is ‘farfalle’ pasta? Bow tie or butterfly
  22. Mutton is meat from a sheep that is older than what age? Two years

There is no December quiz, apologies!

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