Message from our Chair

I just wanted to thank all the folk who organised our Christmas Social/Meal on 4th December.  The catering and food were excellent, and of course, not forgetting the entertainment and sing-a-long – really well done all.

Likewise, on Friday 8th December, Maureen’s talk and presentation on Eric Coates and Christine’s Media show were both very professional and entertaining. They were followed by the Cycling group and Fun with Languages ‘skits’, again, very well done.

What a surprise it was waking up to almost four inches of snow on Sunday morning 3rd December.  I really wondered what the rest of December held weather wise, but next day it had all but gone and we were back to cold and wet, although I was pleasantly surprised how mild Christmas Day and Boxing Day were. I have to confess to a childlike liking for snow. Some of us never grow up.

Christmas came and went, a lot of shopping, cleaning and preparing and of course expense and all over literally in a couple of days. We had the whole family round for Christmas dinner, daughters with their partners and grandchildren, nine of us around the table, turkey and roast beef with all the trimmings.  Then we had a party on Boxing Day evening, so somewhat podged with a little bit of a hangover on Wednesday morning. Hey ho, I do like Christmas.

We listened to the King’s message and I was very pleased to hear him speak  on the environment and also his mention of equality to those of all faiths and none. Sadly though we are still a long way from world peace with the wars in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere, not just the wars but the massive impact it  has on the worldwide refugee crisis, which doesn’t just affect us in the UK but many, many other countries quite a few a lot worse than us.

As we start a new year I would like to thank all those who have worked so hard for all of us in our u3a, the committee, social sub-committee, group leaders, refreshment providers and the staff at the John Godber Centre, I know that we are all very grateful.

Finally, please remember to vote with the council regarding your concessionary tram tickets, you only have until 7th January to object to losing them, the link is    or go via ACC website

It just leaves me to wish you all a very HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR I look forward to seeing, sharing and working with you all in 2024

God Bless

Melvyn Francis

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Short Walks

On December 20th we did a 4 mile local walk starting and finishing at Brooke Farm, Linby.

Some of the route followed the River Leen and the group photograph is in front of Papplewick Dam.

We had been forewarned by Brooke Farm to arrive by 11.30am as it was the day of their staff party with an early closing time of 12.30pm.

However most of the group managed to find seats and enjoyed a welcome warm drink after the walk.

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December Long Walk

Thanks to all the hardy souls who braved the mud and the rain for our latest walk, which was around the Felley Mill area.  It was a nice walk and we managed to miss most of the mud by sticking to Forestry roads.  It is a very picturesque walk in the right weather, with a good chance of seeing deer, but sadly it was showery and overcast. We had a shorter walk due to the conditions, 7.45 miles.

Thanks to everyone who went to the Nabb Inn for a pint after the walk, very enjoyable, by way of thanks to Emma who kindly lets us park in her car park whenever we are walking in that area. 

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Litter Picking Group

Some good news to report – firstly with regard to the missing litter bins which I mentioned in last month’s newsletter. Some of them have now been replaced.

The second piece of good news is that, for over a year now, we have been campaigning for a litter bin to be sited in the last layby on the left going down the bypass towards Bulwell and at last a nice new shiny litter bin has been positioned there. Hurray! Its an area that gathers a lot of litter so let’s hope that people use the new bin. I know that litter pickers will make good use of it.

Finally may I wish all Hucknall & District u3a members a very happy Christmas and a healthy and happy 2024.

Val Gant

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National Trust Visit to York

The National Trust group completed their visits for 2023 with a visit to the city of York on Tuesday, 28th November. Leaving behind the heavy rain of the previous day the group set out in beautiful bright sunshine. Leaving promptly at 8.30 am from Hucknall Market we arrived in York for 10.30 am.

The day’s programme choice was broad and made for a very busy day in York. Many members headed to visit the National Trust Treasurer’s House which was situated next to the famous York Minster.

Over the rest of the day members had the opportunity to visit many of the following attractions, The York Christmas Market, The Minster, The Jorvik Centre, The Shambles, The Clifford Tower, The Castle Museum and other attractions in York.

It was a busy day but one enjoyed by the group who returned under the night skies to arrive safely back in Hucknall by early evening.

The group visits for 2024 will resume in March and continue each month through to October. A planning meeting in the New Year will produce dates and venues which will be emailed out to the group members.                                                             


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