Litter Picking Group

Obviously with Christmas and the poor weather it has been a slow month for litter picking. However, during an afternoon walk one member collected a supermarket basket, filled it with empty beer cans (he claims not to be responsible for emptying the cans and leaving them as litter!) and then left it at a council litter bin. He then climbed up the pit tip on the Ranges and picked up a metal chair which he deposited at another local litter bin. That’s commitment for you!

However, if anyone wishes to join the litter picking group please contact me as per the litter picking group contact details – and please do not feel that in joining the group you have to collect bulky or heavy items. Anything that can be picked up using a litter picking stick will suffice.

Val Gant

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Grumpy Old Men

As we get going in 2024, it’s time for the Grumpy Old Men to start thinking about outings for the coming year.

In 2023, two of the places we visited were the National Mining Museum at Wakefield and, nearer to home, Cromford Mill. Our final visit of the year was to the fascinating W.W. Winter photographic business and museum in Derby.

We take it in turns to organize visits, so if you can think of somewhere interesting but which you have never visited, why not organize a Grumpy Day out? If you’re not a member of the Group, or have only joined our U3A recently, why not join us? Just use the tab on Hucknall U3A website to get in touch.

The photos show some of the places which we have visited recently. All our visits include a meal in a nearby pub or café as well.

John Tedstone

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Our first meeting of 2024 is a week earlier than usual on Friday 12th January 10.00am in the main hall at JGC

The original plan was for everyone to create a fixed cyanotype ‘photographic’ image of selected objects but now the practical element will take place as part of the February meeting.

This month we will cover the theory of this process and learn the basics of how to carry it out.

As part of this we will be a look at how photography techniques evolved alongside advances in physics, chemistry and technology.

The 2024 Science Visit to Oxford is on Friday 19th April

8.15am depart from Ogle Street   return from Oxford at 5.15p eta in Hucknall by 8.00pm

The cost is £23.00 each. £3.00 of this is to book group entry to the Museum of Natural History and the Pitt Rivers Museum which is on the same site.

More details at this meeting and bookings will start at this meeting.

 Following my master class with our treasurer Gary the payment by card machine will hopefully be available for use.

If you wish to pay by cheque please make it payable to ‘Hucknall and District u3a’

Please write your name and ‘Science Visit’ on the back.

David Rose

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Our u3a Social Committee Christmas event

The first week of December 2023 was a busy u3a week and already it seems a long time ago.

Monday December 4th was our first traditional Christmas Lunch since the Covid restrictions were lifted. 144 places were available and they were all quickly sold.

Members enjoyed a substantial 2 course meal followed by tea/coffee and a mince pie.

The catering was by Cathy from the British Legion and on the day both her helpers and the staff from JGC were whizzing round efficiently serving every table.

Some of the ‘Golden Oldies’ enjoying the lunch

 Following the meal we were firstly entertained by Terry Hill with an enjoyable selection from   his ‘Big Bumper Book of Jokes’ followed by Roy Brown and Ann and Ian Murray who sang a selection of seasonal songs.

 To end the afternoon we had a Christmassy ‘Singalonga’ curated by Liz and Phil Attenborough.

 We extend our thanks to all of them for sharing their talent with us and for time spent in preparation for the event.

 Finally thanks also to Cathy, her helpers and Kim and the staff at JGC.

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Christmas Lecture and Groups’ Video

Friday December 8th, 2023

Esteemed local historian and the long time group leader for the popular History Group Maureen Newton presented a talk about Hucknall born composer and musician, Eric Coates

Maureen concentrated on his early years in Hucknall and then progressed to how he kept up his links to the town and family through frequent visits in later years.

During the interval we enjoyed drinks , mince pies and sausage rolls organised by Christine and John Berrill and Lynn and Peter Baker.

After the interval we were entertained by a video montage with a lively musical soundtrack carefully put together by Christine Vincent which featured many of our Interest Groups.

The finale was songs by the cycling group ‘Daisy Daisy’ starring David Riley and Mary Martin with  backing singing by group members.

They were  followed by  ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ /’Les Douze Jours de Noel’

sung  in French by the ‘Fun With Languages’ group.

The Social Sub Committee wishes to thank everyone who contributed to our Christmas events.

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