
 The group  continues to be popular. Over the past few months we’ve enjoyed various themes from the 1950s onwards. It’s difficult to find songs from the 21st century which we can actually sing along to as a group, but we keep  searching!

For any new members who may be interested in joining us, we sing as a group to music and words projected onto a screen, no solos!

New members welcome anytime!

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Ukulele group

We have had a slight change of format which seems to be working well. Members are now able to access our Song Books online, meaning most of us bring our devices to our meetings (an excellent way of saving paper!)

Regardless of ability, new members are always welcome, surprisingly the men outnumber the women! Feel free to come along and see if it’s for you!

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Medium Walks Group

The start of the new year found 24 of us taking part in our latest City walk photo quiz, looking for a total of 28 building and architectural features scattered across the City Centre area. Some of the features were quite difficult to find, and the winning team was decided on a tie-break question.

As we have found on our previous events, there is a wealth of features to be seen around Nottingham, but generally they are only noticed when looking upwards or walking slowly! 

We concluded with the judging and eating taking place at the Three Crowns pub on Upper Parliament Street, where the buffet proved to be very welcome, and slightly too much for even our seasoned eaters! 

We are planning another in our series of City walks, probably in March, which will take in areas towards the east and south of the City Centre. In the meantime, our next walk will be on Monday, 19th February.

If you enjoy walks of around 6 – 7 miles and are not currently a member of the group, just use the contact form below – new members are always welcome.

John Tedstone

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    In January we had a planning meeting to share our ideas and suggestions for the group and create a list of forthcoming events.

    We held a celebratory birthday meal for Doreen, at the Broomhill Inn, on the 12th and on the 27th we have arranged for a coffee club meet up. 

    In February we are looking to visit Brooke Farm in Linby, on the 3rd, and have been invited to the home of one of our members to have a lunch and social get together on the 10th.  We have decided to book some day trips out by coach when the weather is a little warmer.


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    History Group

    The History Group always welcomes all u3a members especially new ones. Our indoor meeting place is Central Methodist Church on Baker Street: time 2pm – 4pm. It is on the third Wednesday of the month.

    The next meeting is on January 17th. This time we have Peter Amour coming to talk to us. He should have come last year but had a family emergency. His topic is ‘Wanderings in and around Wiltshire’ so think Stonehenge; the Avebury Long Barrow, etc. I feel sure it will be excellent.

    May I please take the opportunity to wish all members ‘A happy and healthy new year’.


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