Vegetarian Cookery

The meeting this month will be on Monday, 26th February, at 10.30 am , at St Peter and St Paul’s church hall on Ruffs Drive. 

I have three delicious recipes for you to taste and then to try cooking them at home. We have a few spaces in the group so please contact me if you are interested.  The aim of the sessions is to give you an alternative menu, not to turn you into vegetarians!

Anne Wilkinson

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Gardening Group

February 20th is our first meeting of the new year and we welcome Rachel Barrowcliffe, a garden designer.   We meet as usual at the John Godber Centre from 1.30 to 3.30pm .   We are an open group so everyone is welcome.

On March 19th we meet again in the John Godber Centre for an NGS online talk. We will be taking names and monies for our trips this year at our group meetings, and it will be on a first-come first-served basis as the coach we use will be a limited size.

There are some NGS gardens opening this month that you may be interested in –

11th February  – The Dower House at Melbourne, Derbyshire.

18th February  – Oak Cottage, Swadlincote, Leics.

18th February  – Church Farm , Retford .

18th February  – Norwood Park, Southwell.

18th February  – 10 Chestnut Way, Repton, Derbyshire.



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Fun with Languages

Our first German session of introduction began well in January. It was lovely to see some familiar faces return to the group also. There is still room for more if you want to have a go at learning basic German. We enjoyed New Year nibbles also and had a quiz which opened the eyes of many to facts about Germany as a country.

Our next session will be on Thursday 8th February at JGC at 10.30 am till 12 noon in the Byron suite, when we shall continue to explore more basic German. We hope to see you there!                                                         

Auf wiedersehen, Liz and Ann xx

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National Trust 2024

The National Trust group start their monthly 2024 visits in April and as usual will conclude with the October visit. The programme is as follows.

Monday 15th of April visit to Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire,

Tuesday 23rd of April visit to Snowshill in the Cotswolds.

Wednesday 22nd of May visit to the Gunby Estate and Gardens in Lincolnshire,

Thursday 20th of June visit to Tatton Park in the North West.

Monday 22nd of July visit to Belton House in Lincolnshire.

Monday 19th of August visit to Speke Hall on Merseyside.

Wednesday 25th of September visit to Erdigg near Wrexham.

Thursday 24th of October visit to Nunnington Hall near York.

Further details concerning each trip will be sent by email nearer the date. For the small number of NT group members who do not have email we will also be sending out a text message.

Sadly, for the group I have been informed by June, the owner of J B Tours, that she is retiring at the end  of August and selling off the coaches so I am presently in the process of finding another local coach company to take over. I know that regulars will also miss our driver Paul who is very well liked by the members. 

Finally, a big thank you to Anne and Steve Lawrence who have helped Sue and myself select the venues and have also done the bookings for the last four visits, something that really helps with the workload for the trips.                                                           

Barrie and Sue

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New Reading Group

We are in the process of trying to set up a new Reading Group. This will probably need to be quite a small group.

As a new group, you would need to appoint a Group Leader but this can be a shared responsibility. If anyone is interested, I can help you set it up, but it would be for the group to decide on how they wish to run it.

If you are interested, please let me know, either by email or at the u3a Meeting.

You will find my contact details on the Newsletter.

Sue Tedstone (Groups’ Coordinator)

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