Short Walk

Our walk this month is on the 15th February 2024. It was intended to be our January walk but we cancelled due to the severe cold weather and high probability of icy conditions underfoot.

The walk starts in Farnsfield

Details: 4.6 miles mildly undulating with 450ft ascent. Mainly fields and grassy paths, with a couple of short stretches of quiet road. There are 4 stiles along the route and we may possibly meet some mud!

Meet: 9.45 am for a 10.00 am start.

Full details will be sent to the group before the 15th

David Rose

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To accommodate the pantomime at John Godber Centre, we met a week early on the 12th January and we continued the photography theme.

Firstly we looked at an early method of producing a photographic image called Cyanotype.

All members of the group attending in February will be carrying out this process to make their own.  Here’s one I made earlier…..

Following on from this John Tedstone gave a presentation about a Victorian photographic pioneer named Julia Margaret Cameron who was one of the most important figures in early photography.  She lived at Dimbola, on the Isle of Wight, in the 1860s. The photographs she created remain among the most famous images of many Victorian celebrities.

Finally we had a ‘slide show’ about Oxford and the science museums as a prelude to our visit on April 19th.

February Meeting: Friday 16th.

a) A practical session to make a cyanotype image

b) Part 2 of David Vincent’s presentations about ‘The Greening of Nottinghamshire’

David Rose

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Social Dates for your Diary

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50’s and 60’s Night with Johnny Victory

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History Group

The History Group always welcomes all u3a members especially new ones. Our indoor meetings take place at Central Methodist Church on Baker Street: time 2pm – 4pm. It is always on the third Wednesday of the month – in February it is the 21st.

Peter Amour came in January to tell us how he was Wandering in and Around Wiltshire. We went with him to many National Trust buildings and gardens and English Heritage sites as well as on a photographic tour.

In February we have one of our favourite speakers Stephen Flinders with us again. This time he is coming to bring an original film and tell us about a wartime engingeering factory called ‘Stanton at War’.

At the February meeting, Kathy and Sue will be collecting bookings and money for our visit to Pleasley Pit on 17th April. Cost is £10.

Maureen Newton

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