Real Ale group

Our February outing on Thursday 8th took nine of us to the Hucknall Beer Festival, organised by CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale held at the John Godber Centre.

We met at 7pm at the venue and were pleased that we had chosen Thursday this year as last year on a Friday it was packed solid, with barely standing room. This year we were fortunate to get a table.

With over 70 beers on offer we were spoilt for choice. At a beer festival you purchase tokens, obtain a festival glass, then sample the various ales in third pint measures, This allows you to sample a wider range of beers.

The festival closed at 10pm and we all made our way home. An excellent night, with some outstanding real ales on tap.

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Fun with Languages

Our February meeting was rather low on numbers due to holidays and the adverse weather conditions among other things. However, well done to the eight brave souls who got there and were snow people going home!!

We used an audio online practice on the previous month’s German greetings etc and some found this challenging on the concentration. We managed to get through it and had some laughs along the way. It was lovely to have Phil Nathan back with us.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 14th March  at 10.30 am in the Byron Suite in JGC and hopefully the snow will not be with us for that! We shall be concentrating on numbers and some fun with them in German. Anyone is welcome to join in our meetings.             

Ann Murray and Liz Attenborough.

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Message from our Chair

Greetings to you all.  What mixed weather we have had in January, three named storms, the coldest weather, the hottest weather and the wettest weather on record, still, it gives us something to discuss and moan about, something we are all very good at, complaining about the weather.

Last month, I reminded you all about Notts CC consultation on removing the free tram concessions. I have had a couple of responses from our erstwhile councillors, one from an opposition councillor stating that he and his colleagues were arguing strongly against it and one from a member of the governing party saying, don’t worry, if they do get rid of it, then it will transfer to the new regional Mayor’s office when and if it happens. I think we will have to wait and see and hope for a good outcome. Thanks to all of you for taking part in the consultation.

Sorry that those of you at the rear of the building struggled to read the writing on the screen of our speaker at our last meeting, I thought the same as quite a few folks that, whilst the talk was good, it was a bit highbrow, concentrating on word origins, rather than the actual history of Nottinghamshire. John Godber Centre are looking into obtaining a large pull down screen, which would solve a lot of our problems.

Our Social Sub Committee have worked hard to sort out this year’s activities, please see their details on this website and reserve the dates, some great activities planned.

Our next meeting coincides with St Valentine’s Day, he was a 3rd century Roman saint, a priest in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians.  He was martyred by being beheaded and his body buried on February 14th. He was made a saint for curing a child with epilepsy and is the patron saint of epilepsy, beekeepers and of course ‘courtly love’ which has been celebrated since the 8th century (thank you Wikipedia).

I may well be asking who has received a valentines card, to see if the ‘courtly love’ is still strong amongst us older ones. So make sure you make an effort to buy your valentine a card.

Did anyone make a New Year’s resolution, and has anyone managed to keep it. I have, mine was not to make a resolution! I also decided that out of concern for publicans I would not take part in Dry January, I found that quite satisfying.

God Bless

Melvyn Francis

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Real Ale Group

Our January outing, on Thursday 25th , took 13 of us once more to Nottingham, this time to the area around Nottingham Castle.

We met as usual to catch the 6.30pm tram, quite entertaining when one member (who will remain nameless) got separated from his pass and the tram, quickly sorted by Christine, getting off at the first stop and returning to Hucknall to reunite David J with his pass.

Getting off the tram at the Old Market Square, we walked up to The Roundhouse, which used to be part of the maternity wing of the General Hospital. It was surprisingly busy for a Thursday evening, we then went across the road to The Crafty Crow. Both these public houses have been closed for most of 2023, but thankfully are now both under new management.

We then made our way to Ye Olde Salutation Inn, known as the ‘Sal’ allegedly open since 1240 AD before finishing at The Barrel Drop in Hurts Yard, a micro pub owned by the Magpie Brewery.

An excellent night, with some outstanding real ales on tap, tram back to Hucknall and home.

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Litter Picking Group

Despite medical issues and poor weather, members of the litter picking group still managed to clear 32 bags of rubbish from our countryside, paths and parks during January and for that I thank them.

It can actually be quite addictive. Some members set themselves a time limit of perhaps half an hour or so but when that time is up they see another piece of litter which just has to be picked up, then another, and another……  and before long they’ve been out much longer than anticipated. Others set themselves a goal of clearing a particular area whilst some take their litter picking stick and plastic bag (and dog!) with them when going out for a gentle walk thus killing two birds with one stone. Any of them with a Fitbit are certainly getting their steps in!

Should anyone wish to join the group or require further details please contact me as per the group information at the end of the newsletter.

Val (Gant)

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