
At our February meeting David Vincent, ably assisted by Christine, presented a very interesting Part 2 of the ‘Greening of Nottinghamshire’

He described the early planning stages and then went on to explain how the many coal spoil heaps in the county were transformed into the country parks and in some cases farmland that we enjoy today.

In addition to the spoil heaps there were miles of interconnecting railway lines, many of which are now walking and cycling trails.

You may recognise Linby Colliery

March Meeting Friday 15th 10.00 am JGC

Terry Hill will be telling the tale of ‘The Unlucky 7’ scientists who came to a premature end.

I will be introducing an environmental theme starting with the location of rainforests and their climate plus exploring the significance of the different layers of the rainforest.

Finally there will be a briefing about the April visit to Oxford.

David Rose

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Johnny Victory Show

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Not so Grumpies’ Scalextric Visit

In February, the Not So Grumpies motored into Nottingham to try their driving skills (or lack of) on the recently redesigned and extended Scalextric track at the Dragon featuring many of Nottingham’s historic landmarks and locations.  

After free practice in which participants theoretically acclimatised themselves to the circuit, three qualifying rounds were held to determine the six fastest drivers who then raced against each other in the nail-biting final.

To everyone’s surprise, the favourite to win (Senna(Pod)) only managed third place, being soundly thrashed by AlanDenham in second place, and FieryNikiL who, despite a number of allegations of track and grid violations during which a number of rivals were forced off the track, finished in first place. However, despite winning, his overall times fell far below the 10 lap record, set by Claire Balding in the inaugural race following the commissioning of the new circuit, which still remains unbeaten.

After the race, all drivers repaired to the Long Row Social to analyse the race violations, consider their appeals, and partake of much-needed fortifications.

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National Trust

This year’s programme of visits has proved a little more difficult to arrange due to venues not accepting coaches during the school holidays and Houses being shut on certain days. Anyway we do now have an interesting and varied selection of properties to visit.

The first visit sees the group travel to Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire on Monday 15th of April, leaving Hucknall Market at 9.30 am. The original date in late March not being available because of the school holidays meaning that no coaches were accepted. Bookings can be made preferably by email to on March 15th. The cost of travel is £11 which includes the drivers tip. Phone bookings from 9.00 am on the same date on 0115 9559842.

The second visit follows shortly afterwards to Snowhill Manor down in the Cotswolds, leaving Hucknall Market at 9.00 am. Cost of travel is £16. Both visits return at 4,00pm from the venues. Please note that no coaches are able to arrive at Snowshill before 11.30 am.

Finally, our August visit will be to Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire where we will have a guided tour of the Abbey and gardens included. Monday 19th of August for this visit.                                                                       


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The Weekenders

Our February birthday celebration for Christine, was on the 16th at the Broomhill where we managed to fill our time discussing recent medical operations and procedures! The difference between the two – as explained by one of our members – is that an operation involves a cut, and a procedure is merely a poke!

Coffee Club was on the 24th, the last Saturday of the month.

Our first bus trip of the year is on Saturday April 6th, and this is to the York Designer Shopping Outlet. Then on Saturday 13th April we plan to use our bus passes to travel to Southwell where there is a Spring Craft Fair.

Lindsay Smith

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