Fun with Languages

This month we continued in German with further vocabulary on hotel bookings, the uses of Bitte and numbers. We also welcomed a new member to the group.

May I remind everyone that we will not meet in April due to holidays, but instead we will have our soiree for group members and partners.

Our next language session will be on Thursday 9th May in John Godber Centre, Byron Suite, 10.30 am until 12 noon when we shall continue in German featuring food and drink. Anyone welcome to join in.                                                                  

Liz Attenborough and Ann Murray

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Kendal Holiday

Our recent trip to Kendal seems to have been a huge success, no complaints and many compliments for me, the staff at the hotel and the driver.  I’m still not sure how he navigated some of the roads and corners.

We stayed at the County Hotel at Kendal for four nights. It was very well appointed with good food and very pleasant staff who couldn’t seem to do enough for us.

The first day we had a day trip to Keswick, some of us were dropped off and participated in a linear walk along the side of Derwent Water, the rain held off and we had a very picturesque walk. 

The second day was a free day around Kendal; some of us went on a tour of the Hawkshead micro brewery, which was very interesting and informative, others decided to take the more scenic route and walked while others took the train.  On the third day we went for a visit to Sizergh castle and it’s gardens which again was very good, the gardens were superb.

There was entertainment every night which again was done in such a way to include the audience.  We were thoroughly entertained, it was great.

Sadly the next day we had to return home, I think everyone would have gladly stayed a few more days.

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Due to other commitments by various members, Scrabble on 28th March 2024 has been cancelled.

The next session is 2pm Thursday, 25th April 2024

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Long Walks

The 5th of March saw us at Whaley Thorns for our March walk, which was 9 miles.  We set off from the railway station carpark, over the fields to Cuckney, passing the lake there which was full of different species of birds.  We carried on through Park House Plantation, past Nether Langwith and back through Poulter Country Park, at one point following the River Poulter, and back to Whaley Thorns.

It was an overcast day, but good company, we all had a good time.  There was a little mud but all in all a pleasant walk.

My thanks go to Steve and Carol who sourced and led the walk.

The group photo is a monument, meant to resemble a Rhino’s horns.


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Litter Picking Group

During February, our u3a litter pickers collected a total of 26 bags of rubbish throughout our area. However, two members who are also members of the proactive Hucknall Wombles litter picking group collected 22 bags of rubbish in just one day from the Butlers Hill tram stop/tin bridge locality. Well done to the Wombles but what a sad indictment on society that so much litter is strewn in a relatively small area.

If anyone knows anywhere which is in need of our help please contact me as per the group contact details at the end of the newsletter and we will do our best to help.

Val (Gant)

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