Music for Pleasure

The Music for Pleasure group met at the home of the coordinator on 28th April 2015 from 6.45 for two hours.
At this meeting we enjoyed listening to some favourites of one our new members John White. We listened to some piano concertos of Debussy played firstly on the piano by Philippe Entrmont and secondly with electronic versions of the same music by Tomita a Japanese group. I must say the purists present were not very impressed by the Tomita versions but personally speaking I enjoyed listening to the comparisons. The remainder of the evening was taken up by the haunting voice of Deborah Bonham followed by the wonderful guitar playing of Joe Satriani and a mixed bag of Rock and Roll including a very rare version of Smile by Eric Clapton and George Harrison. Thanks to John White for a very enjoyable evening.
Refreshments of cakes and biscuits plus tea and coffee were served in the intermission.
New members are always welcome. Please feel free to join us, or contact John Peters on 0115 9634990.

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