Mid-Length Walking in March

John and Sue Beharall were our walk leaders in March and twenty five of us enjoyed a lovely six mile walk from the Clumber Park Hotel. After crossing the A614 we headed towards Hardwick Village, where John filled us in on the history of the village, which was originally built for farm employees and their families. Now owned by the National Trust the houses are more likely to be occupied by commuters!! A steady descent took us to the lake & weir, where we stopped for coffee. We then followed paths across open country towards the River Poulter, walking on parts of the Robin Hood Way. We ended our day with a drink in the Clumber Park Hotel having had another great day out.
midLengthMarch15a midLengthMarch15b
Thank you to John and Sue.
Our next walk is on: Monday April 20th to Tansley

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