Mid-Length Walking Group News

Our September walk started at the busiest car park in Dovedale, although as it was a Monday morning, the 19 of us were the only people there at 10 a.m. Our walk was the classic route along the riverside passing the stepping stones, but by popular vote, not over them! We continued along the river as far as the village of Milldale, after an early coffee stop, where the photo was taken, even though we had started later than usual. There then followed a debate about whether we had lunch in the village, or climbed to the top of the steep path out of the village first. After agreeing that it is more difficult to get going again after lunch, we carried on.
The weather was fairly kind to us, and we paused near the hamlet of Stanshope. After that, it was a gentle downhill stroll and through the village of Ilam. The usual cows were in the field at the back of the hotel, much to the dismay of one of our members, but they proved to be not interested in us at all!
Thanks to Irene for planning this walk, although she was not able to take part on the day.
Our next walk is at Car Colston, on Monday 17th October.

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